6. Aiden

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No one has learned how to actually fly a plane for seventy years. This wasn't an accident. I jump out of my seat and can hear Sadie screaming at me. I promise her I'll come back, but I have to know for sure. People are in total panic mode. Children and parents are screaming and holding onto their dear lives. I run to the first class area, while bumping into several seats. No one is there. They used the escape pods. Elias couldn't get his way, so he decided to make, not just me and Sadie, but everyone else in low class pay. Because of Elias, we are all going to die.

Sirens are shrieking and I'm panicking. This familiar feeling is overwhelming me. These people, Sadie, me, will die if I don't do anything, and I'm not going to make the same decision Elle made six years ago.
An old, wide-eyed man slams into me and yells "DO SOMETHING!"
"I don't know what to do!" There has to be something. At this point, I can see the unsettling brown ocean getting closer, ready to consume us. The smell of gasoline and smoke is getting stronger with the fires starting to ignite. Passengers are coughing up blood and dropping too quickly. Our bodies can't handle this. I run back to my seat and see Sadie. Her face is ghostly white, and she's stopped yelling. She sees me and whispers "I guess my curse is broken."
I'm breathing hard, the oxygen is decreasing and the damn plane isn't even equipped with masks.
"What are you talking about?"
"Survivors curse."
She's giving up.
I'm not letting that happen. I run back up to the front of the plane, black stars clouding my vision. When I get there, all that lies in the restricted section is a long board with five, blinking buttons. The sirens are wailing and the people are giving their final goodbyes accepting the inevitable. No no no. Okay think. My mind is getting fuzzy, but I'm determined not to pass out. This is my chance at redemption and I'm not ready to die. How the hell do you stop a plane from crashing? I press all the buttons, but nothing seems to work. I turn and look all around the area. Nothing. There's a metal door behind me. I try to open it but it's stuck. I run my shoulder into it, definitely leaving a bruise, and finally it opens. Inside there's a metal lever, brake-looking type thing. But, the plane is falling so fast now, I can barely reach it without falling over. I roll over to the lever. It's in a glass box with writing saying, BREAK GLASS IF NEEDED. It's worth a shot. I punch the glass letting the shards tear my scarred knuckles open, and I yank as I hard as I can. The plane takes a huge lurch and throws me against the windshield. And then everything goes dark.

"...come on..."
The mumbles are trying to wake me up, but my eyes are glued shut. My body is limp and isn't listening to my head. I need to get up. I need to know what happened. I try to open my eyes, but sleep has never looked so welcoming.
Bright white lights are hanging on the ceiling over head. I don't remember anything, how did I get here? I get up quickly but soon regret it. Nausea overtakes me and my head is pounding. The sudden pain brings back what happened. The plane. The lever. The people. What happened to the people? I look around the room. There are four gray walls that surround me. No windows, but there is one door with a small opening. I look down and my dark clothes are ripped and charred. There is a needle poking into my side, which is attached to something I can't see.
My heart starts racing. Memories of labs just like these are creeping in. Labs where they poked me with needles just like these. I break into a cold sweat.
"You're awake." I turn around, startled by the voice. It's Sadie. She's sitting on a leather chair near the bed I'm on. Her arm is in a blue sling.
"What happened? Where are we?"
"Slow down, y-"
"What. Happened."
She sighs. "After you pulled the emergency brake, you got a concussion and broken rib. You saved almost all of us." She says the last sentence more quietly than the rest.
"Almost?" The pain gets worse.
"The plane was falling in a too rapid pace," she shudders and continues slowly, "ten people at the front of the plane died, when the plane finally crashed."
Dead. I wasn't fast enough. "How are we alive?"
I take a closer look at her. Her eyes are rimmed with red and dark circles hang. She's been crying. "I was still in my seat when the engine started to ignite, and people were still in the plane. I helped some people who were stuck get out and then I searched for you." She looks at me. "I found you unconscious... I thought you were dead. Your hand was bleeding and there was a giant, purple bruise on your head..." Her voice cracks. "We landed off the coast of South California."
I take a deep breath. "Am in a hospital?"
She raises her eyebrow, as if the answer was obvious. "yes?"
"How long have I been out?"
She tilts her head, collecting her thoughts. "Almost a day."
"Who is the doctor?"
"He's the one we met on the plane, Dr. Elias."
Of course; this is what he wants. They're going to come for us. I take the needle out of my side, letting out a small grunt, and get to my feet. I almost fall over, but I keep my balance. For whatever reason, they want her too.
"We have to get out of here. Elias is the one who short-circuited the plane."
"That's impossible." There's no time to convince her.
"Look, come if you want, but I'm leaving. Just trust me, they aren't the good guys." And with that, I leave the room.

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