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"Jaden! Hurry up! You'll be late." Jade shouted from downstairs as her son slowly made her way down, with his Power Rangers backpack and lunch box.

"There's my little man." the brunette said and kissed her son's cheek. "You look good in your uniform son."

"I do Mommy! I wike it." he smiled, showing off his teeth, with the middle one missing. Not long now til' his teeth grows back.

Jade ushered her son to the table and started telling him to eat as she placed his snacks on her lunch box. Jade may not be fond of cooking before, but now, she is. She placed Jaden's ham and cheese sandwich that was carved in a helmet, just like how her son wants it since it symbolizes his favorite.

When Jaden finished eating, he made his way upstairs again to bid goodbye to his Granny. Then Jade took Jaden to his school.

Jade parked her car and both of them walked inside the school, Jaden holding Jade's hand.

"Now Jaden, you behave in school okay?" Jaden nodded. "And if you do, I'll give you a price, is that good?" His smile grew wider.

One thing she got again from 'her' is that he loves surprises and can't wait to know what it is.

"I promise to be a good boy Mommy!" he said and kissed Jade before running along with his classmates.

Jaden might just started school today, but Jade is already proud of him.


"Ariana, what's my agenda today?" Perrie asked her secretary as soon as she made her way inside her 'new' office.

Perrie had just arrived from the airport and his Granfather told him to immediately report to him when she lands. So the first thing she did was to go to her office to be familiar with the place and to contact his Grandfather.

"Miss, Mister Roger said that you just have to check your office and make sure that you're comfortable with the place he got for you to stay while you're here." Ariana Grande, her secretary or so-called Personal Assistant said. The blonde just nodded and started to contact Roger Edwards.

Soon enough he answered and they talked about how was her flight and what she had to done through out the week since he explained that every week, she gets to do something different.

"I would like to tell you Perrie, you can get to choose what vehicles you want to use while you're here. And you can do whatever you want if you happen to finish your duty early." he said on the other line. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm also giving you the permission to contact any of your relatives or friends, as long as they don't disturb you while you work, got that?" Roger said firmly.

Right now, Perrie was smiling from ear to ear. He finally let her talk to them after four fuckin' years of waiting, she couldn't believe it. She was celebrating in her mind, but on the outside, she remained calm. Acting as if what he said didn't affect her, in a good way.

"Okay Grandpa, thanks. I'll update you when I had picked the car." she said before hanging up.

She could finally see her family again. She could talk to her beloved friends. And she could meet the love of her life again. But one question lingered in her mind.

Would they accept her back?


"So, how are you and Jaden?" Jesy asked the brunette as they made their way on the available table inside the coffee shop.

Jesy asked to see Jade since its been a year when they last saw each other. The older girl was busy with her family, just like Jade. But the difference is that, Jesy have her other half to help her.

Jade remembered the day where she first saw Jesy with her husband, Jake. He was a nice lad, a gentleman, the perfect guy for Jesy and a perfect father to their two year old daughter, Janella. Jesy couldn't ask for a better man.

She was still quite surprised for the fact that Jesy was straight, and so as Leigh-anne. She thought they were gay and would end up to be together. Just like Camren.

"We're good. He started school today and he was so happy." the brunette replied, with a smile on his face remembering how happy his son was.

"That's great." Jesy said and took a sip of her coffee. "How about the others? I've never heard of them since I don't know, two years ago?" she asked, curiosly.

"Well, Leigh had a new boyfriend. Its Justin." Jade said and took a bite from her honey glazed donut. Jesy's eyes widened.

"Bieber? I thought he was gay?"

Jade chuckled. "Me too. But its sad to say that we're proven wrong."

Both of them laughed and continued to tell stories about themselves and their friends.

"Lauren and Camila are engaged. And I think after the wedding, they're planning to adopt a kid. Then Brad and Tristan are in Ireland right now. Remember their band?" Jesy nodded. "Well they're famous now. But don't worry, they promise they won't forget us and made sure that they'll attend Jaden's big day."

Since it was June, and Tradley left a few months ago, they were sure to get back to UK anytime this month. Afterall, they wouldn't want to miss their Godchild's special day.

"Glad to hear that." Jesy said with a smile, but it soon faded when she realized that Jaden's birthday is the same with his 'bioligical mom'.

When Jade noticed, she asked Jesy. "What's wrong?"

Jesy swallowed hard. As much as she didn't want to ask Jade about that topic, someone had to. The brunette had been forgetting about this topic, but she knows its impossible.

"Erm, Jade?" the brunete cocked an eyebrow. "Do you have any idea where Perrie could be?"

Jade's body tensed at the mention of that name. She had no idea where could she be or where she had been. She left without saying goodbye, without telling her where she would go, without a good reason. She just left.

And the worst part is, she left Jade when she was pregnant with Jaden.

The first day she knew that she was pregnant, she immediately texted the blonde, but made sure to still keep it a surprise. She herself didn't expect that she would be pregnant. Afterall, she and Perrie only had sex once, and she was on the pill. So it would still be a surprise to Perrie.

But when she was about to tell Perrie, that was the day when Perrie started to ignore her texts and that continued to go on for a month. And that's when Jade realized that Perrie left her. She just took her virginity and left her, without any explanation why.

Of course, she had no idea where she had gone or why she left with no reason, until now.

"I have no idea. Never had, never will." Jade said, a sad smile playing on her face.

"Sorry to ask you that Poopey." Jesy apologized.

"Its okay, I just need to get used to it. God, its been four years and I'm still not over it." Jade said and placed her hands on her forehead.

The older girl stood up to hug Jade, reassuring her that everything will be alright, eventhough she had no assurance of what she just said.

After that dramatic moment, they parted ways, but making sure to keep in touch since Jaden's birthday is just around the corner and her family was invited.


Ayooooo! I'm updating as soon as I can. And if you're waiting for another update, why don't you stream Shout Out To My Ex and You Gotta Not while you wait. ;)


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