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"What should I wear Leigh? Gosh, I'm really nervous about this. What if she won't like what I'm wearing? What if she'll be embarassed to go out with me? Ugh, I don't even know where we're going." I ranted to Leigh-anne as she was still busy looking into my closet to find me a nice dress for my double date tonight.

"Calm down Poopey, I'm pretty sure you guys would just get dinner at a romantic restaurant or maybe stroll down the park? I don't know. Just wear something you think that you'll be comfortable with if you go anywhere." She said and took a dress from my closet. "How about this?" She asked as she held out the type of clothing in her hands.

"I guess that'll do." I said and took it from her. I gave her a quick hug before changing my clothes.

After changing, I went out and called for Leigh-anne but she's not answering. Where could she be?

My question was answered when I heard some giggling coming off from the other room. It was Jaden's room and I bet that it was him giggling. I went out and walked towards his room and there I found Leigh tickling Jaden. His giggles were music to my ears.

"A-aunt Wee, s-stop it....I can't b-breathe! I'm g-gonna pee!" He said while trying to dodge Leigh-anne's attack. He's so cute, so adorable.

"Take back what you said! My hair doesn't look good? Take it back!" She said playfully and I couldn't help but laugh. Same old Leigh, she doesn't want anyone messing with her because of her hair.

"F-fine! Its p-pretty...please s-stop!" He said in between giggles.

Leigh stopped and let my baby boy catch his breath.

"Hey, you two!" I tried to get their attention. Both of them looked at each other then looked at me. Then suddenly, Jaden rushed in towards me to engulf me with a hug, telling me multiple times that I look good.

I looked at Leigh-Anne and she gave me two thumbs up. She also mouthed a 'you look so good' at me and I just smiled as a reply.

"You're so pretty Mommy! Per-per wouwd wove this." Jaden said, drawing my attention back at him. I carried him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Do you love what Mommy's wearing?" He nodded multiple of times. "Can you give me a kiss for that?" I asked and without another word he placed kisses all over my face. I giggled as he continued to do it until I asked him to stop.

Leigh approached us and took Jaden from me. "Now, now Jade, you still have a date to go to and its almost time. You can be all cuddly with you son later, alright? Now get you hair and makeup done and we'll meet you downstairs." She said and walked me outside the room.



"Camz! Are you ready yet?" Lauren shouted at Camila who's inside the dressing room.

After doing that interpretative serenade towards Jade and Camila earlier today, I decided to go with Camila and Lauren to the mall. My bestfriend wanted to buy something good for Camila to wear tonight and the Cuban girl agreed. I asked Jade about it too but she refused, saying that she still have plenty of clothes to wear upstairs.

"How do I look?" Camila asked as she got out of the dressing room. I could've sworn that I saw Lauren's jaw dropped at the sight of her fiance.

"You look magnificent, babe." Lauren said.

"It suits you well." I said.

Camila smiled at me and winked at Lauren before changing back her clothes. Lauren paid for the dress and then we went outside of the shop. We were about to go back to Jade's house to pick her up but when I saw a flower shop near the spot where we parked our cars, I just had to buy Jade some. I thought that it would be romantic.

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