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I carefully placed Jaden on his bed. He had too much fun today that's why on our way home, he fell asleep. I can't blame him though, we basically walked around the mall without resting. Aside from when we will eat something. It had been a tiring day but to me, it was one of the best days of my life.

I finally got to spend time alone with Jaden and Jade! The two most important persons in my life as of now.

Jade tucked him in and placed a soft kiss on his forehead before ushering us out of his room.

You might be thinking why I was with them on our way home if I brought my bike with me. Well, in the middle of us walking around, Jaden felt tired and asked me to carry him up. So I was carrying him until we decided to go home. When we reached their car, Jaden didn't want to let me go so Jade and I decided that I come with them home and I let James, my butler, pick up my bike from the mall parking.

"Thank you for carrying Jaden earlier, he usually wanted me to carry him but I guess he wanted it to be you now." Jade said and I can see the emotions playing on her eyes. She felt sad yet glad, I can tell.

"It was no biggie," I told her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "But I don't want you to think that I'm replacing your place in his life though, I was just making it up to him."

She gave me a sad smile. "I know that,"

"Yet you're still sad. Would you tell me the reason why?" I asked her.

She shrugged and plopped down the couch. I sat next to her and gave her thigh a little squeeze.

"Its nothing Perrie, forget it." She said while looking down.

"Please Jadey, I'm here to help you."

She finally looked up and my eyes met hers and as if my whole world froze when I saw tears glistening in her eyes. She's crying!

"Jade, why? Please, don't cry. Its gonna be okay." I told her and held both of her hands, making sure to give each of it a reassuring squeeze.

"Its just that, I'm so happy you know. They're happy tears." she said but I can sense it in her voice that she's lying. But I decided to not push it any further since I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"Can you atleast tell me why?"

She wiped her tears away and looked away, pulling her hands away from my grasp. If she really is happy then why couldn't she look at me? I wanted to know if I was the cause of her sudden change of emotions.

"Jade," I called out and tried to reach out for her hand again. "Please tell me what's bothering you."

She sighed but her eyes were glued on the floor. She also let me hold her hand.

"Its stupid, really," she said and let out a sad laugh, if that's even possible. "I'm just insecure. I don't want Jaden to leave me. He's still young yet I feel like he's going to leave me soon. And to be honest, I always felt this way whenever I see him with you. I know that you have the rights to do the things I've been doing with him since he is also your child, but I can't help but feel this way."

I was startled at first but then I understood her. I know where she is coming from and I know its hard for her. She might've thought that I might take her son away from her. I wouldn't do that to her of course! I want them both in my life.

I'm quite contented in having Jade in my life, even if its just a friend or something like that, as long as I can assure myself that she's still by my side, I'm okay with it. Although I would want to have her in my life more than just a friend, I know that I can manage on changing that sooner or later.

"Jade, if you're thinking that I might take away our son from you, well boy you're wrong." I told her and squeezed her hand. "I want you both in my life Jade, and taking him from you is just like taking away your happiness, your life even, and there's no way that I'd be doing that. I don't and won't do such a thing. Like I told you, I still love you Jade. And you and our son's happiness matters to me most than anything in this world."

I didn't know what came over me and I suddenly felt the urge to engulf her in a tight embrace again. I think its the only thing I could do to make her to stop crying.

"So please stop crying now because I promise you that I won't take him away from you anytime soon. And I'd make sure to let him see us both fairly. He won't pick his favorite out of the both of us because he'll have both equally." I assured her and that seemed to make her stop sobbing. She held onto me tighter, making me feel her heart beat against her chest, and I suddenly felt the butterflies inside my tummy go wild. Her effect on my body was mental.

When we let go of each other, I had a sweet smile on my face. She tried to smile as well, but it was small. And yet I find myself not caring at all since all I care about was to see her happy or smiling.

"Now, why don't you get to bed? I'll just find my way out after I'm finally sure that you're okay." I told her and stood up, lending a hand in front for her to take. She took it and we made our way towards her bedroom.

I tucked her in on her bed and placed a few strands of her hair that's covering her angelic face behind her ear as she slowly closed her eyes. God, how I missed being this close to her.

I was humming the song, Nobody Like You as I continued to comb her brownish locks. Her hair was as smooth as it was before. Well, I guess there's still plenty of stuff about her that hadn't changed.

If she could only let me back in her heart, I would do everything to make her feel loved everyday, I would protect her at all costs and make sure that she and Jaden would get all the love they deserve. If she'll only give me a chance, I would do everything to make us a proper family.

Once I was sure that Jade was asleep peacefully, I made my way out of her room but I made sure to leave a kiss on her forehead, telling her to sleep tight before walking out her room and out of the house.


I'm doing my very best to keep that Jerrie spirit high. Jerrie is not dead, I repeat, its not dead. Its just taking a break haha. But I miss them so fucking much! I'm cryingggg


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