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I made my way inside our living room with a tray full of snack, only to find Jaden on the floor playing with his new Yellow Power Ranger that Karl gave him. I can tell that my brother's spoiling my son more than me. Well, can't blame him. Both of the are obssessed with Power Rangers just as much as I am to Disney.

I sat on the couch and stared at Jaden who seemed to be in his own little world.

"Hey baby," I said and gently combed his curly locks with my fingers. He looked at me and smiled widely. "Whatcha' doin'?"

"Wook at my new Ranger Mommy! He's yewwow!" I giggled. He still couldn't pronounce the letter "L" properly. But that only made him more cute.

"Yeah, he's just like the color of the banana right?"

"Yes! And that's Aunt Miwa's favorite!" He said excitedly and squeezed his self against my thighs. "When will they come here again?" He asked.

"I don't know pet, but maybe soon. She was kinda busy with her wedding stuff." I explained. He nodded and continued to play with his toys. Suddenly, my phone rang. "I'll just answer this Jaden then we'll eat okay?" He nodded again and I made my way out of the house. I answered the call and sat on the swing.


"Wazzup Jadey!" I heard the other line said. I could tell that it was Camila.

"Hey Mila, what's up?"

"Nothing really, I just want to check up on you." She said and I chuckled. Same old Camila, her typical bubbly and caring self.

"Well, I'm good. Me and Jaden are. But the kid misses you. When are you and Laur gonna come here?"

"I don't know but soon maybe. Not sure though, I would ask Lo about it but she went out." She sighed. "But I'll tell you when she gets back okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah yeah, sure."

"So, anything interesting happened this week? I've heard that Jaden's good at school."

"Ahuh," I said. "I'm surprised honestly. For a three year old, his IQ is above it."

"Well, where could she get it from, right?" We both laughed. "Anything apart from Jaden that's interesting that happened?"

I thought about it for a minute and I suddenly froze when I remembered what happened yesterday. No, that couldn't be her. Its not Perrie. She's not the blonde I saw at the bakery. It can't be her.

But if it was her, why is she back? Why now? Why does she have to be back? She left me for four years without any reason, and now she's back.

Does she know about Jaden?

So many questions flooded my mind. And I know that the only person that could answer it is her. The person that I have no time to talk to.

"Hello? Jadey, you still there?" Camila's voice brought me back to reality.

"Yeah, still here."

"What happened? You kinda zoned out, I can tell."

I sighed. "Yeah. Sorry, I just remembered something."

"Care to share? If you don't want to its okay." She said. As much as I didn't want to, I have to. Maybe it'll lessen the questions I have in mind.

"No, its okay. I'll tell you." I started. "Yesterday, at Jaden's favorite bakery, I saw her."

There was a long silence on the other line. What happened to Camila?


"You saw who?" She asked.

"Her." I said simply.

"Who? The queen?" she joked.


"Then who?" She asked, still waiting for me say her name.

"Damn it, its Perrie! I saw Perrie yesterday."

Again, there was a minute of silence. I didn't call her like what I did earlier. I'm waiting for her reaction.

"Y-you saw Perrie? You mean the blonde girl that left you four years ago? Why is she back? What did she say? What happened to her? Is she married to someone else? She still hot as fuck?"

"Calm down Cabello! One question at a time." I said. "I saw her, but I didn't talk to her. When our eyes met, I immediately pulled Jaden and went out the bakery, leaving her standing."

"So you didn't even talked to her?"

"I didn't! I was fucking shocked to see her alive! After all these years she was still living and now she's coming back into my life as if she didn't do anything! Why should I talk to her?!"

"Because you have the rights to ask where had she been." Camila said calmly. "Jade, you shouldn't have left her there. You have questions, the only person that could answer all of that is her and you left her."

I closed my eyes. I am totally confused right now. I don't know what to say, she was right. I'm looking for answers and when I have it right infront of me, I ignored it.

"I guess I was too caught up with the moment. I hadn't analyzed what I was supposed to do so maybe that's why I left her."

"Well, since now you know what will happen if you leave her without asking her everything that happened, the next time you'll see her, you have to confront her. If you want your questions to be answered, you have to talk to her about it." Camila said.

Guess she's right. Even if I don't want to talk to her, I have to. Or else this questions in my mind would still remain unanswered.

"Listen, I have to go now Jadey. Lauren arrived. I'll text ya latur, yah?"

"Okay. Say hi to Laur for me, okay?"

"Yeah sure. Tell Jaden that we'll be there soon. Take care! Love ya Poopey." then she hunged up.

I then made my way inside the house and found little Karl playing with Jaden. Since he's two years older than Jaden, he was taller.

"Hi Auntie Jade!" Karl greeted and ran towards me to give me a bone crushing hug.

"Hey petal, where's your Dad?"

"He's inside Grandma's room." I nodded and turned to Jaden who had a cute smile on his face.

"How about you, handsome? What have you done while I was talking on the phone?"

"I just pwayed Mommy! I promise." he said, holding up his hand.

I then walked towards him, sitting on the couch, patting my lap to let him sit on it.

"Now why don't we watch your favorite show while we eat some biscuits?" I said and both boys screamed in excitement.

I turned the telly on and we watched Power Rangers together and ate biscuits, just like what I said.

Eventhough I have so many questions in my mind, atleast Jaden takes my mind off of it even just for awhile.


The revelation of Camila now! I like her so much. Also, we're getting a new song from the holy album "Glory Days" on Friday! Who's excited?!?!


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