11: Neptune and Jupiter

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            As a demigod, Jason had experienced his fair share of all too real dreams. Nightmares were an occupational hazard in Jason's life. Still, sometimes, the dreams helped. Sometimes. Not always.

Jason was standing on a mountain. Enormous marble columns stretched upwards to the sky, chipped and broken in places. There were large pieces of crystal and granite scattered across the ground. Below the mountain, Jason could see a huge city sprawling out before him, extending to the horizon. Jason felt at peace atop the mountain. At home, almost.

            "That is because you are home," said a voice behind him. Jason turned around and saw a tall man standing a few feet away. His freshly-trimmed beard was white as snow, as was his hair. He looked frail, as though just standing upright was costing him a Herculean effort.

            "Dad," Jason said, the word feeling foreign upon his tongue.

            Jupiter smiled. "Hello, Jason. You have no idea how long I have waited to meet you."

            "You met me after the Giant War," Jason said, staring at Jupiter. "And when you called us for the quest."

            Jupiter blinked. He looked confused. "Oh," he said after a moment. "I suppose I did."

            "Are you okay?" Jason said slowly. He wondered if the angels' plan for revenge on the gods had reached Jupiter. The thought made him feel uneasy.

            "I think the curse is getting to me at last," Jupiter murmured, sitting down on a chunk of marble slowly. "I feel like I should have been the first."

            "They need you the most." Jason sat down beside his dad. "You're Jupiter. You're the reason any of them existed in the first place."

            Jupiter smiled. "That's true," he conceded. "They really do owe me, don't they?"

            "You probably shouldn't tell them that."

            Jupiter's smile faded. "None of them are well enough to realize what I'd be saying." He shook his head. "We're not doing so good, son. Just coming here is almost too much for me. But I didn't have a choice."

            "What's going on?" Jason asked. "What's so important that you're here?"

            "You obviously know of my father, Saturn," Jupiter began slowly. "He was sent back to Tartarus by Percy Jackson."

            "Yeah," Jason said. "What about him?"

            "He ate my brothers and sisters," Jupiter said. "After that, everybody thought he was the worst father anyone could ever have."

            "Makes sense to me," Jason pointed out, raising his eyebrows.

            Jupiter smiled. "It was a mistake," he said passively. "Saturn was paranoid and afraid to die. But while I was watching and waiting to rescue the others, I saw who he was. He loved my mother, Rhea. He loved his children and regretted ever having to destroy them in the first place. I saw that, and sending him to Tartarus was something I knew must be done. I can't say it didn't pain me, though. Patricide is a difficult pill to swallow."

            "Now I'm sure you're sick," Jason said, staring at his father. "Saturn wanted to eat you. He thought he did, all because he didn't want to give his power over to you."

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