38: Flock of Gods

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            Percy could not describe the relief he felt when he saw Jason emerging from the thick of battle with Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank on his heels. Percy didn't give anyone else a chance to speak before he clasped Jason on the back of the neck and pulled him in for a hug. He just needed to feel the proof that Jason was okay, he was alive. Watching him fall had been one of the most heart-wrenching moments of Percy's life.

"Whoa," Jason said. He patted Percy on the back. "Perce, I'm alright. I'm fine."

"You fell so hard. Thought you were a goner for sure." Percy pulled back and clapped a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Don't ever scare us like that again."

"I'm not going anywhere," Jason said, laughing. Feeling his friend's warm, alive body beneath his hands made Percy feel better. "Seriously. It was just a tough scrape. Now you know how I feel when you pull this crap," he added.

Percy grinned. "You handle it better than I do. I almost flooded the country trying to get to you in time. Frank only just beat me to it."

"If you two lovers are done," Leo said testily. There were flames licking up the side of his arms. He was eyeing the battlefield around them warily. "Maybe not the best time for a bro hug."

"I'm so glad you're okay." Piper threw her arms around Jason much like Percy had. "I could feel your fear. I didn't know I could do that until we saw you fall. Jason..."

Jason shook his head and hugged her back tightly. "I'm okay," he told them all. His eyes were hard. "I promise." He pulled back from Piper and stepped up to where Frank was peering into the forest at the edge of the field. "Any change?"

"No," Frank said. His eyes had changed color, becoming a bright yellow. Hawk eyes. A moment later, they had changed back. "It's the same as it was when I first saw it."

"We were gonna head over as soon as you guys got back." Piper frowned at the forest. "We didn't want to go in at a disadvantage."

"And it's really... you know?" Hazel tightened her grip on her sword.

Percy nodded. "It's Chaos," he said grimly. "Kelly came to get me. She was watching the battle, just... floating there. Then she looked away, just when Jason fell." He suppressed a shudder at the terrible memory. "Frank saw her fly into the forest. That's when we saw her with Chaos."

Jason pursed his lips. "So, Annabeth was right. This is it. It's almost over."

Leo nodded. "We go in, let Chaos kill our angel friend, get out. Then we come back to actually enjoy Europe, because we have been here a million times now and we have almost died every single time. I just want a vacation."

Piper grinned. "Boy, do I feel that. A real vacation. Sandy beaches, good food, dancing all night... That's the dream."

"And that," Annabeth said, pointing into the trees, "is our impending doom. So, let's focus on that first, shall we?"

Hazel nodded. "Annabeth's right." She reached down and opened a crevice in the ground below them. Sticking her hand into it, she came away with a large quiver of diamond arrows and a solid gold bow. She held it out to Frank, smiling. "Thought you could use these."

"Awesome," Frank sighed, taking them from her and admiring the bow. "So freaking cool."

Leo peered into the darkness beneath them. "You gonna share any of that wealth?"

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