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Hi guys!

Welcome to the celebration of my wattpad account's first birthday!!!

It's a short story, and I use it for fangirlygirl2211 's writing competition as well, but that's because of lack of time. Originally, I wrote this story for all my dear readers who've been reading everything I wrote so far! I made add some changes later, but that's because I wrote this story in one day, between the doing of homework... ;) Due to this lack of time, I needed some help coming up with jokes so thank you Tayla2811 for helping me out!

I tried to challenge myself and surpass my boundaries - I broke some writing rules on purpose and also tried to use as many emotions as I could :) I also played with descriptive language, so you might find quite a lot of adjectives in some of the chapters.

I really hope you enjoy; vote and comment if you do!

Thank you all so much for all your support and sticking with me even though it takes me forever to write stuff!!!

~xxx~ Rose

Ranger's Apprentice; An Emotional TaleWhere stories live. Discover now