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As I'm writing this, this story has already over 300 reads, more than 100 votes and 150+ comments. In less than a month's time. That's just incredible.

I want to thank you guys so much, especially those who've been reading this story since the moment I published it (which are a lot of people); I really couldn't have finished this story on time without your support <3

I'm not sorry for the tears and the heartbreaks XD This was really a challenging story to write - so many emotions ;) Every chapter again I was telling myself that "this is the the most challenging chapter I've ever written" and I hope it was worth it :)

fangirlygirl2211 even though I'm the only one who entered your competition, I really hope it was worth it! I can't thank you enough for giving me this opportunity to write this story - I'd been playing with some of the events in this story for some time and you gave me a reason to work it out and to publish it!

The last thing I want to tell you is that this will be the last separate story for some time. There will of course be weekly updates of The Final Pieces, and I'll soon continue with The Rebellion, but I'm going to focus on my other story now. It's a long, and completely new Ranger's Apprentice fanfic :) 

For the thousandth time this week: thank you guys so, so much and hopefully see ya in one of my other stories!!!


(Okay, I'm just stretching this out way too much XD I'm now really going to click the 'completed' button, before my parents will get REALLY annoyed with me for spending so much time behind the computer ;) love you!)

Ranger's Apprentice; An Emotional TaleWhere stories live. Discover now