X: Happily ever after

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They were almost home.

It was strange, Will thought, how strange it felt to see the red, high walls of Castle Redmont once again. He had been so close to never seeing them again, that if felt weird returning home.

After his return to the world of the conscious, Halt had convinced him to stay at the clearing for another few days.

"You're weak," he had said, ignoring Will's weak protests, "We're staying here until you're capable of riding the distance." And, as always, there had been no way to convince Halt to do otherwise.

So that was why they were riding uphill today, in the beautiful, sunny weather that had replaced the days of snow. Returning home felt like a tortoise retracting into her shell. The troubles of the world evaporated as they rode over the stone drawbridge, showing their silver oakleafs to the soldiers who'd recognized them anyway.



Somewhere inside there, Will knew, Alyss was waiting for him. He couldn't wait to see her again, to smell the sweet scent she always wore and to close her in his arms.

"I can't wait for a good cup of coffee," Halt said, ripping him from his thoughts.

"Me too," Will replied, but Halt shook his head in disagreement, pokerfaced.

"You can't have coffee, you're still too weak," he said, deadpan. Will raised an eyebrow.

"I can, and I will," he replied. Halt shrugged. Truth be told, he didn't know if Will was too weak to drink coffee, but even if he was, he didn't care. They both deserved a hot cup of nice, warm coffee, after all they had been through the past days.

They entered the courtyard, the hooves of their horses clattering on the cobblestones on the ground. Halt dismounted first, so he could help Will getting off Tug safely. Because of the wound in his side, Will couldn't stretch very well and because of the wound in his leg, he couldn't place too much weight on it.

"When we've reported to the Baron, we're first visiting the infirmary," Halt told Will as they gave the leather reigns of their horses to two familiar stable hands.

"You look like a wreck and I don't want Alyss to have a heart attack when she sees you again. Besides, I'm sure they'll have something for your headache."

Will opened his mouth to protest, but Halt didn't let him.

"For the sake of my own sanity, please," he said grimly as they walked towards to door of the donjon, "You've already done more than enough stupid things past week that could have given me a heart attack." Will grinned sheepishly. He knew his mentor was right and he only wanted to protest because he liked it.

They were about to go through the door of the donjon - the one guards held open for them, after having made sure they were who they said they were - when another servant came running towards them.

"Ranger Halt, Ranger Will!" he yelled, before coming to a halt in front of them. He was slightly panting, Halt noticed amusedly, but whether that was because of his running skills or just the fact that he'd ran very hard, he did not know.

"You have to come with me first, Rangers," the servant said, apologetically, "The Baron knows of it and has given his approval."

The two Rangers did as they were asked, Halt with a raised eyebrow, Will limping. Both of them couldn't think of something that was more important than them reporting to Baron Arald.

They became even more confused when they were let straight to Halt and Pauline's apartment on the third floor. The servant knocked on the door, before opening it and politely holding it open for them.

Ranger's Apprentice; An Emotional TaleWhere stories live. Discover now