VII: More unfortunate surprises

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{This chapter might contain some curse words... Not many though ;-) But quite a lot of violence on the other hand...}


No-one got to be leader without having the morals of a sewer rat. For all their "code" the only one that counts was the most barbaric scum-bag rules. Be loyal or be more savage, that's the way it is, Will thought, as he stood watching the gang of criminals from between the shadows of some trees. In this case, the sewer rat's name was Jerrel.

Jerrel was resting against the wooden pillar with a face of utter nonchalance, as if he were merely waiting for a friend on a spring day, apple in hand. He wasn't slumped at all, his body was clearly too muscular for that, yet it was just as relaxed as his face.

And somehow that, seeing him relaxing, seeing him not being haunted by any crimes he'd committed, was the breaking point of Will's patience.

"Dammit," Halt sighed. He knew Will wouldn't have his emotions under control. He knew he'd be blinded by a five-course serving of rage that tasted bitter, yet surprisingly satisfying.

They had agreed to wait on either side, until the situation was right. Preferably when they were all scattered around, Halt had said, not when they were all in a group together. Only then would they attack, together, and hopefully surprise them enough to have them surrender.

Yet there his former apprentice stood, out of the shadows, visible for any of the bandits, without bow and with only his two knives - in his scabbard.

"Jerrel!" Will called. The so-called man looked up, startled.

"Well, good morning, Ranger," he greeted as he stood up, "Didn't expect you to pay us a visit." Some of the bandits laid their hands on their gleaming weapons and came closer, but one raised hand of Jerrel stopped them.

"No jokes, Jerrel," Will said harshly, "I know what you've been doing the past weeks and I'm here to tell you that it's over."

"Is it?" Jerrel's eyebrows shot up in played surprise, "Why? What have I ever done to you personally that you're standing there, so filled with anger."

"You killed a woman," Will answered. His voice was emotionless, but his eyes were cold. Jerrel shrugged.

"You're right," he admitted, "More than one, actually."

"More than twenty years ago," Will continued. "You and your friend surprised her, the day after our army had defeated Morgarath's for the first time. You told her that her husband was dead, and threatened to kill her and her baby too if they wouldn't be nice. You killed her later anyway."

Jerrel laughed out loud now that he was reminded of that day. "That's correct, hahaha. But I forgot about this whole affaire and I suggest you do the same - I don't know why you haven't already, though."

"She was my mother," Will said. The anger in his voice as obvious as could be. Jerrel shrugged once again, as if to say 'So what?'.

"And you came all the way here to tell me this?" he asked. Will shook his head.

"Listen. Nobody joins a gang without being a lost soul first. No-one goes to a monster for guidance unless it's their only option. Well, I'm giving you another option. If you lay down your weapons now, I'll make sure you'll get a fair trail. That's all I can do."

No one laid down their weapons, and Jerrel laughed. "Did you really think they'd give up this life for one behind bars?" he sneered. "No way in hell, Ranger."

Will shrugged. "Alright. I'll just have to kill the all of you then, I guess."

There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible, the air would have been scarlet. Then suddenly movement, so much force in every blow.

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