Chapter 9

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Elena's POV
There was an awkward silence and the empty hallway had now become full with tension.
"Let me walk you home" stefan offers and I start weighing the pros and cons,"I... I want to visit the graveyard" I blurt out thinking of an excuse to get me out of this situation.
Stefan doesn't say anything just grabs my hand and drags me down the hall and out the doors
"Stefan what the hell!?"
Again nothing.
"Seriously this being dragged situation is hurting my hand"
Stefan looks at me dead in the eyes and drops my hand from his. For a reason I can't explain, I get a lonely feeling and my hand is tingling from earlier contact. It's nothing like when I'm with Damon.
"So are we going to stand here or are you going to walk with me?" And I snap my head up from looking down at my hand to notice Stefan is a few strides away. Contemplating, I walk/run to catch up till I'm by his side, "You seemed to be in thought... wondering why you still got a tingly feeling after I held it?", "because me too" Not once did he look at me when he spoke, he just looked straight ahead while I registered what he said.
Why would he still feel that way after I hurt him so bad. I kept asking myself.

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