Philophobia || 25

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I watched Bella as she laid on my chest rubbing Bronxie. Her stubborn ass didn't eat anything at breakfast. She literally sat there for an hour and just looked at her food. "August..." She said with her soft sweet voice. "Yes mama." I said back to her watching her as she switched positions sitting on my chest. "I was thinking about going back to school baby." She said. I sat up with my back pressed against the headboard. "Ya' can do it baybeh, but you know you have to get well first." He said watching her facial expression. "I know baby." She said tucking her hair behind her ear. "But ya' can stay home an' let me take care of ya." He said grabbing my waist. "No. I have a bachelors degree baby and I don't do anything with it. She said with a smile. "What made you wanna go back baybeh ?" I asked. "I want to do something with my life." She said before collapsing on my chest. "Kiss me." I said. She looked at me and slowly put her lips to mine. "Let's make it happen baybeh."

Arabella||1 month later

I listened to my heals as they clicked and clacked down the marbled floor hallway. They had just called me back for my first interview. I decided on Georgia State University. It was only 10 minutes top away from home, and I was highly eligible. I stepped into the opened door and stood as I waited for the administrator, I'm guessing. To get off the phone. Once he noticed my presence he hung up the phone, and stood to his feet. "Miss Arabella, I'm Mr.Denning." He stood to be about 6 foot. He had brown short hair, light green eyes. Didn't look a day over 40. "Yes, Nice to meet you." I said smiling and shaking his hand. "Likewise." He replied before walking behind me to shut the door. "So what made you choose Georgia State University?" He asked sitting back in his chair. "Well let's start with this. You have a great childhood and education system here. Your rated five starts, and I feel like I would fit in perfectly her at GSU. I have a 4.3 GPA and I'm here to get my education." I said.

I got into my car and began to make my way home. It was only noon, so August should be at the studio by now. I missed my baby. Today had made 10 amazing months with August and I. It slipped my mind until he sent me a small text telling me how much he loved me and how proud of me he was. I replied back with a simple I love you. I stopped by Chic Fil A to grab August and I a bite to eat. Once I went through that stupid, forever lasting line, I ordered our food and made my way to the studio. I parked my car right next to August, and I made my way through the doors. I didn't bother to check in or anything, since the woman seemed to be busy on her phone. I didn't really know where I was going, so I listened for August. I could tell exactly where he was. I took a deep breath, and I opened the door. He began to smile as he spotted my presence. The music stopped and Aug came out the booth. "Hey baybeh." He said kissing my cheek. "I brought you some lunch." I said handing him his Chic and drink. I noticed his producer sitting in the chair getting up. "Take 10 man." He said smiling at the both of us. "How did the interview go baybeh?" He asked pulling a chair up sitting across from me. "It went good baby, I didn't say much. I pray I get in." I said. "You got this baybeh, your gonna get in." He said kissing my cheek. "I got a club appearance coming soon baybeh, I kno' it's early notice but I gotta make this money." He said taking a bite out of his burger. "I know baby." I said kissing his cheek. "I got something planned fa' ya' baybeh." He said making my eyes widen. "Don't ask my what though cause I'm not telling you." He said. "Whatever. I guess I'll get going baby, let you finish working." I said getting up grabbing my bag. "I love you baybeh." He said kissing my lips. "I love you too baby, see you when you get home." I said. He had a smirk on his face and waved goodbye. He was up to something.

I opened the front door to be welcomed with a beautiful trail of rose petals. I stopped in my tracks and couldn't help but smile. I walked up to the stair case and noticed a stack of money along with a note. The note read, "Go get your hair done and find you something nice baybeh. -Daddy" I quickly grabbed my purse and put the money in a safe place and made my way to the hair salon. Today seemed like a great day for curls.

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