The Day (Part A)

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 I'm in France for an exchange right now and I haven't been able to write because straight after exams I had to start packing, organise everything and it was just a really messy term for me. I literally wrote 120% of this on the plane when I was like half asleep so if it's bad that's why. I'm so so sorry it took so long to upload. Ahhhh :((


Unfortunately, Harry and Liam were the only ones to remember to pick up their suits for the wedding so when Eleanor's mum rang Louis up at midnight, he had no choice but to head over to Niall and Zayn’s place to drop them off. Louis got to Zayn's apartment and was surprised to see that Niall was there with him, he wondered why but he didn't ask. Niall was sitting quietly with his limbs outstretched on the couch watching some football while Zayn had fallen fast asleep with his legs on Niall's lap and his feet dangling off the edge of the couch. 

Louis let Niall wake up the sleeping beauty as he went to go for a leak in the bathroom. When he made his way back into the room, the two younger boys immediately stopped their conversation and both turned to watch Louis re-enter the room. 

"Don't let me interrupt your conversation," he said sarcastically before rolling his eyes at the two secretive boys sitting on the couch. 

He reached into his pocket for his phone but felt nothing and realised he'd left his phone sitting on the basin in the bathroom so he excused himself once again to retrieve his phone. 

This time Louis made his way back quietly and stood on the other side of the wall to have a little listen of their conversation. 

"Wait so you told Harry that Monique has a crush on him?" Louis heard Zayn say in a slow disbelieving tone. Louis peeked into the room and saw Niall give a little nod. "Why did you do that you twat!" Zayn exclaimed his Niall on the head with a pillow. The blonde boy shielded himself and attempted to grab the pillow with tumbled its way off the couch. 

"I thought he knew!" Niall said giving a massive shrug. 

"You don't just that Niall. You just ruined a perfect blossoming relationship tut tut tut."

"Wait but I think Monique already knows that Harry knows."


"Well I accidentally told Monique in the morning right? And then afterwards I saw them talking intensely in the church and I overheard a little bit of it, plus I saw them having a laugh like five seconds after it happened. And I'm pretty sure they went out to get lunch together too."

There was a moment of silence where Louis could imagine Zayn slowly nodding, biting his nails and leaning back onto the couch. 

Louis heard Zayn speak but it was more of a mutter. "But I thought Harry was still.... you know." 

"Me too."


Louis woke up with a gasp for air as he felt his while body jolt awake. He winced as his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark nothingness of the night. The ringing of the night crescendoed in his ear making him cringe until it was shadowed by the sound of his heart beating. It was thumping so loud against his chest that he had to look over at Eleanor to make sure she hadn't woken up from it. It was brought to his conscience that he was clenching at the white sheets so tightly that he could hardly feel his hands. He shut his eyes and told himself to take deep breaths as he listened to the song of his thudding heart. 

He mind stirred not knowing what to think. He could still feel every touch and remember everything from his dream and it made his insides tingle. Everything had felt so real and even though he was partly mortified, he was disappointed to wake up from it. 

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