Four Days/ Three Days

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The next morning Zayn woke up looking better than he had the day before. Louis insisted on staying over for another day to look after his band mate but Zayn nagged Louis to go live his life. Louis walked slowly out the door and closed it behind him knowing that he would rather be anywhere than back at his so called 'home.'

There was only four days until he was getting married; the best way to spend this time was to spend it with his mates. Right?

When Louis got to Niall's place, Niall was more than happy to drive out of the city with Louis and have a little day out in the woods. They packed the trunk of Niall's car with food, some beer and of course a football ball.

Louis always enjoyed hanging out with Niall, it took a lot of energy to do so but he was like a little ball of sunshine that never stopped rolling. Even though it had nearly been two years since they first met Niall still seemed to laugh at whatever Louis said like it was the funniest thing in the world. That was one reason why Louis liked spending time with him. He could release his childish side and do stupid things with Niall that he couldn't do as comfortably with anyone else. Niall was the anchor who made sure things never got too heavy and that was his job being part of the band.

Louis lay down on the soft grass under the shade of a big willow tree as Niall continued to weave through the trees with the ball at his feet.

"You look like shit for someone who's getting married in a few days," the blonde boy suddenly said out of the blue as he started juggling the ball between his feet.

Louis turned his head sideways and gave Niall a look. "Well thanks for being so honest lad."

Niall over at Louis and gave a careless shrug which made him lose his concentration on juggling the ball.

"You don't very excited about it either," the younger boy mumbled as he bent down to pick the ball back up.

"Shut up before I do something I regret," Louis threatened but only half meaning it.

"Jesus Louis do you even want to get married?" Niall sighed walking right over to the older boy until he towered over him.

Louis opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by a loud swarm of squawking ducks flying up into the air. Louis lifted his head off the grass and watched the ducks for a moment as they waddled around and flapped their wing angrily.

"I mean shouldn't you be having countdown sex and be looking like a happy chap?" Niall asked cutting Louis's daze away from the ducks near the river bank.

"Hey at least I'm getting more action than you buddy," Louis retorted sitting up onto his elbows and arching an eyebrow at his band mate.

"Have you ever wondered how this arm got so muscular?" The blonde boy remarked bringing his left arm up and bending it to show his biceps as he wriggled his eyebrows.

The brown haired boy gave a laugh and shook his head as he slowly got up onto his feet.

"I would tell you to go fuck yourself but I already know that you do that much too often," he replied tipping his head sideways, giving his signature sassy smile and picking a crinkly orange leaf out of his messy hair.

Niall poked his tongue out at Louis and pulled a face. He gestured a fake kick to Louis's balls but unfortunately ended up executing the kick making Louis clutch the shaft of his manhood in great pain. The blonde boy threw his head back and gave a cackle before backing off while muttering apologies to his friend between giggles.

The two chased one another around the trees like two kids while screaming insults at each other until they got too exhausted to carry on. They fell into a heap back onto the soft grass and stared up at the grey England skies as they listened to the beat of their heart pound against their chest.

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