Six Days/ Five Days

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I’m sorry again for my amount of procrastination. I’m just glad you guys are still sticking around haha. It’s finally the holidays bless.


After he left the dance studio, Harry got a coffee, sat at a table, sipped his drink once and stared outside the window until his coffee went cold. He chugged as much of it as his stomach would let him before chucking the half full cup into the bin. Harry made his way home and without thinking he called his mum. He felt miserable and had the urge to talk to someone, anyone about anything. The call went straight through to voice male which only made Harry more desperate to talk to someone. This time he called his home phone instead and dazed at the wall as he listened to the unpredictable and endless beeping. He hoped for the ringing to stop but it didn’t so he hung up. He stared at his phone before calling again refusing to give up. This time Harry jumped in surprise when someone picked up.



“Hi Harry.” Harry wondered why she sounded so surprised.

“Hi.” There was a long silence that rang in Harry’s ears.

“So… what’s up?”

Harry slapped his lips together and pursed his lips before answering. “Nothing,” he replied trying to keep his tone light.

He could hear his sister roll her eyes through the phone. They both knew that wasn’t true.

“Harry you only ever call out of no where when something’s up.”

“That’s not true,” he replied curtly denying it even though Gemma was one of the people who knew Harry better than anyone.

“Yeah it is.”

“No it’s not.”

Gemma didn’t reply and Harry imagined her sister on the other line of the phone narrowing her eyes and pressing her lips in a thin line as she tried to figure him out. He wasn’t sure what he was hoping to happen. Half of him hoped that his sister wouldn’t press on but the other half hoped that she’d take the time to draw it out of him.

“Whatever you weirdo.”

Harry felt himself relax. He held his breath hoping the conversation wouldn’t end and fortunately it didn’t. He got himself a bottle of coke and settled down on his bed before spending the next hour talking to his sister.


Louis called a taxi and went straight home. He dropped his sports bag off on the floor as soon as he entered Eleanor’s apartment and walked straight to the bathroom. He locked the door and slowly leaned on it banging his head on the hard surface in the process. He didn’t realise how hard he had been clenching his jaw until he let out a sigh of relief. Louis closed his eyes listening to the beat of his heart and groaned when he realised that it was still skipping. His frustration grew when he realise that it was because of Harry and not because he’d walked so fast to get back home and into the bathroom.

He let his feet slide further away from him until he stumbled and his butt hit the floor. He could feel himself on the brink of losing it. Louis brought his knees up to his chest, wrapped his arms around them and buried his face in his lap. He exhaled slowly and inhaled.

But that smell.

The faint smell of Harry on his jersey made his shoot back up off the screeching tiles. Louis’s breath started to stagger.

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