Supportive | Shinomiya Natsuki

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Published: 25 sep 2016

Shinomiya Natsuki x Petite! Reader

This is a request also; so sorry for taking so long to write. I really hope you liked reading it. Thank you so much for waiting.

Natsuki was always a tall person. Even when you were kids.

You used to compare himself to a full grown tree. And that intimidated you. As a girl and a child, you were short. Others who were taller looked scary. In fact, you always tried to turn away from Natsuki and went to Syo instead. The boy was shorter, and nearly the same height as you.

Your parents used to call you the two ducklings because of how close the two of you were.

In time; however, you found Natsuki less and less scary.

He always smiled at you brightly when he saw you. At first, he kept his distance as if not wanting to scare you. As you got more comfortable around him, he shortened the distance.

"[First Name]-chan!" Natsuki shouted your name with a smile one morning, "good morning!"

You stuttered out his name, "Natsuki-kun...good morning..." Your voice trailed off timidly as you glanced down at your shoes. They suddenly became very interesting to look at.

"Sorry for being so loud." Natsuki apologized in a gentler voice. He cautiously took a few steps towards you. "I was just so excited to see you today."

He brought his hand out in front of your shoes. Your vision was now blocked by a cute stuffed animal. It was a fluffy chick.

"I got this for you [First Name]-chan."

His arms was still stretched out and slightly shaking. You brought your own hands up and he gently placed the toy in your palm. It brushed against your hand softly. You ruffled its fur with your fingers. It ran smoothly through your fingers like silk. A large red ribbon adorned it's head. With pink dusted cheeks, the chick smiled brightly with large doe eyes. It was absolutely adorable.

"It reminded me of you, so I had to get it."

You finally took a courage to look up at Natsuki's face. Your lips slowly turned upward into a large smile, "thank you Natsuki-kun! I'll treasure it!"

It was the very first time you spoke smoothly with Natsuki. It would also be the first time, you didn't feel so scared.

Natsuki-kun isn't scary.

As time passed on, your childish fear of tall people started to weaken. Natsuki was always by your side when you had to talk to your teacher or some taller kid at school. You knew that although it was a stupid thing to be afraid of, he never laughed and only helped you get over it.

"Natsuki-kun, thank you!"

He laughed, "anytime!"

Your relationship stayed pretty much the same. All the way towards high school, the two of you were still 'just' childhood friends.

Syo tried to push you, but you couldn't do it.

"Natsuki!" You waved excitedly at your childhood friends. He was talking to Syo, or more like giving the boy a large hug. "Syo too, hello!"

"Yo [First Name]." Syo greeted you with a grin, "you're early."

"Hehe, of course I am! After all, we can still walk to school together."

"I'm so glad we all made it to Satome Gakuen!" Natsuki said, draping an arm around your shoulder. You blushed lightly, shifting your head to the opposite direction.

Satome Gakuen would not be your new home. It was a board school so that meant you were all going to live in dorms. How exciting; you couldn't wait to see Natsuki more often.

If only you all made it to the same class.

"I'm in class A." Natsuki announced as he found his name on the bulletin board.

"Class S." Syo said with a grin, he was proud he made it to the top.

"Eh... I'm only in class B." You said with a pout. You really wanted to make it into the same class as Natsuki. Sadly it wasn't the case.

"C'mon, I'll walk with you to your class." Natsuki said and pulled you away from Syo who was in deep in thought. He kept on muttering about how his teacher's name sounded so familiar.

"I really wish we made it into the same class you know." You said to Natsuki who was humming to himself.

"Don't worry, we'll meet each other during break." He ruffled your hair, pushing it behind your ears. "So cute! I'll see you later." He kissed your forehead, and waited for you to open the door.

Thank you

"Isn't that great?"

"Syo? W-what?"

"That means he likes you." Syo says, "as a matter of fact, he's still looking at you."

You turned around, thinking it was only Syo's teasing.

You met with olive eyes and quickly turned.


The blonde was gone. You awkward peered to see if Natsuki was still there, he was.

Natsuki brought his hand up and waved, slowly turning around to walk to his own class.

You didn't like the fact that he was walking away. Somewhere in your mind, you felt like it was now or never.

You stepped back from the door and quickly ran towards Natsuki. His back was facing you so you grabbed onto his hand to stop him.

"Natsuki, I..."

The end.
Hm I tried to make it an open ended ending; have fun imagining everyone!
Seriously, my brain juice for creating fluff ideas are running low .

I had no idea what to write for this one shot but I came up with this.

Hopefully it makes sense and sounds just like the fluff you guys are looking for!

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