Stomach ache | Jinguji Ren

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Published: 21 aug 2016

This is a request made by @niikimel5
Hope you like it!
It's a straight one and I do hope it's just what you were looking for.

You smiled softly at the gentle touch made by your boyfriend. He brought over a heat pack to put on your stomach.

"Thank you."

He helped you to your bed when you couldn't walk properly. This morning, you had the worst stomach ache in the history of your life. It's worse than cramps.

"Just what did you eat?"

Ren was flabbergasted at your condition. Needless to say he was really worried.

"Just rest today." He said giving a peck on your forehead.

You smiled, "thanks Ren. I'm sorry I ruined our date."

It was tough for you to date Jinguji Ren. It wasn't just because he was an idol; it was something more personal- his family.

He's one of the heirs of the Jinguji corps. His family probably expected someone like him with so much class to date someone of a better class. Plus he had good looks. You're not trying to degrade yourself, but it was the truth.

You didn't have money to just spend freely for appearance sake. That's why you never looked fancy.

"We can always reschedule." Ren said with a smile, "we're together now aren't we?"

"Hehe I guess we are."

You were sitting back on your bed while Ren pulled a seat next to your bed.

"Come on Ren."

You pouted, and patted the space next to you.

"I didn't know you were bold enough to invite me?" He teased you with a smirk.

"S-Stupid Ren!" You shouted with a bright red face, "that's not what I meant." You averted his gaze, and clutched on your blanket, "I just wanted us to cuddle..."

"Hmm? Can you speak a little louder?"

He leaned close you until he was right there in your face.

"I...wanted us to cuddle." You whispered.

He ruffled your hair. Then he patted you gently; it was soothing.

Ren took a seat next to you and made sure to cover your stomach tightly with the blanket.

You closed your eyes when a flash of pain stabbed your stomach.

You felt the squeeze of your hand.

"You okay? I'm here."

"Hmm, thank you."

Your bodies pressed against each other. The warmth was getting to you. Your eyes started to fall, drowning you into sleep.

"[First Name]?"

Ren tried to call you, and only found you slumped on the bed already in sleep.


He pushed a few strands of hair away from your face. "It must be hurting..." He grabbed on to your hands that was wrapped around your stomach, and leaned down for a soft kiss on your stomach.

"Get better, [First Name]."

Thank you for reading everyone!

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