Found | Kurosaki Ranmaru

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Published: 14 June 2014

Kurosaki Ranmaru x You (reader)


Any girl would have it tough.

You always kept that heavy pressure on your shoulders no matter where you went. Even stepping out into the bright world, smiling and greeting your friends.  Nothing could lift it.

You hauled your body as if you yourself was dead weight. When you watched other girls your age with their pretty hair styles and cutely designed manicures, you couldn't help but feel jealousy boiling under your skin. Your eyes darkened at the sight and you made a run for it.

You stopped and sighed when you saw no one there. You walked down a long stair-way that would lead you to your neighborhood. Somewhere on the other hand though, you plopped yourself on the stair and just sat there. Thinking over your life all over again.

You were always plain with no special quality.

Your parents would try and persuade you; that everyone, no matter who had something like a talent of some sort. They tried to lead you to the right way, where the light was shining. But you turned your back and walked further into the dark.

All those ugly and dark feelings...They stressed your life and your thoughts. You hated it, just everything felt like an unneeded obstacle. You wanted to go over it but never could.

The grades you got started to drop as days passed. You thought you could do better, get better grades, you tried to study but found yourself distracted. When you got your papers back, it was a grade you never suspected. Your eyes casted down as you crunched part of the paper in your hand. Feeling completely frustrated at yourself, you stormed out of the classroom as soon as the last bell of the day rang.

Remembering that dreaded day had made you feel disgusted all over. You looked at your mirror and stared for a long time. A frown was stressed onto your face, as if it would never come off.

You pressed your fingers on the side of your lips and held it up. The smile was scary. With a sigh, you turned away and brought out your homework. There was nothing to do anyway, so you decided to work on it.

Your parents came home late that night and they called your name. You earned a earful of insults as they shouted you about not trying hard to getting a better grade. You glared at them but kept your mouth shut the whole time.

That night, you skipped dinner and consoled in your room.

Everything was so difficult.


You turned on the television, turning its volume to low. It was a random channel so you were going to switch it to another until you heard music. You dropped the remote and stared at the screen. A idol group was singing.

You furrowed your brows and sighed. It was just so soothing. Music was something that felt like it could calm you down whenever you were troubled. A small smile fell on your face and you turned to bed. "Good night." You said to yourself.


You strolled down your neighborhood bright and early in the morning. Today felt like a good day, it was somewhat strange. You haven't felt like this for a long time. With school, your grades and hints of jealousy, you thought you might have went and gone crazy. Yet, nothing like that happened.

"Oi!" A cold voice shouted towards your direction.

You turned around to face a guy. He seemed older than you but you couldn't really tell with his sunglasses on his face. His most distinct feature was his silver color hair. "What do you want old man?" You asked with an irritating expression on your face. You didn't think you bothered him the slightest, yet here he was shouting right at you in your face. You knew that the words you spoke to the stranger was rude, but he had been rude first.

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