Bored to death in heaven (andy beirsack fanfiction)

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Ambers POV

Another day of school. Ugh. At least it was Friday. No more crap from anyone. I could just go home and eat and sleep and read Fanfiction about Andy Beirsack and just mope. I used to live in California, but my family is poor so we had to move all the way to Tennessee. Memphis Tennessee. My Grandad wouldn't allow me to go to any Memphis schools though... They're violent. Instead I went to a school in Horn Lake. I was only thirteen so I was in my 8th grade year so I had to stay in middle school. I want to leave. No more middle school. This middle school is jacked up. We have to line up for lunch until we get into the cafeteria. And the food they serve! Don't get me started. One time my best friend Manuel got milk from there that was spoiled. And I got food poisoning from a fish sandwitch. Eew.

"ROAAAAAAAAAAR" I screamed almost exactly like Andy.
"Awake at night you focus. On everyone who's hurt you."I sang in the crappy tone I call my voice.

I'm a really bad singer. When I sing it sounds like a dying cat who had a hernia. Yeah, I'm not even exaggerating. Anyway, I sing all the time though. My dream is to become a singer songwriter in a band like Black Veil Brides with my best friend,not Manuel, but Kaitlyn. She always has something to say wether it's good or bad. She is really smart, yes academically, but mentally too. She wants to be a psychiatrist. Not in a band with me. Sadly. But that's okay. I'd rather her become what she wants. I truly do love her. She's like my sister.

Andy's POV
"I don't want to get up" I said with my raspy voice.
I dont like my voice, but teenagers all over the world seem to love it. So I guess I'll keep singing.
"ANDY GET YOUR LAZY A** UP OR ILL TELL YOUR MOTHER YOU ATE HER FERRERO ROCHÉS!" Screamed CC from the kitchen. He had already tried to wake me 20 minutes ago.
"Fine, fine," I said
"Wait, CC you ate those!"
CC was so weird sometimes.

"Yeah, I know that's why I was going to tell her you did it!" He yelled a bit quieter than before.
"Whatever" I said as I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to take a shower and get ready."

I went to grab my clothes from my closet and there was a piece of paper in it "I used a pair of socks dude. -Jinxx"
Jinxx needed to stop wearing my clothes. Plus, he had the stankiest feet in the band! I grabed a piece of paper and wrote on it "dear Jinxx, I borrowed a pair if underwear.-Andy"
I went grabbed my own underwear,of course I wouldn't wear his, and my other clothes.

1 hour later
After I was ready I went to the store. We were out of milk because Ashley drank it all. He drank way to much milk sometimes.
As I approached the store I saw a really hot girl. She was definitely still in school. Freshman maybe junior. But she seemed to be upset. As I approached her she seemed to be crying.
"What's the matter?" I said with concern in my deep voice.
She looked up at me in astonishment. I'm guessing she's a fan.
"Oh my heavens..." She trailed off "y-you? Your Andy?!" She sounded a little happier.
"Flesh and blood" I said
" Oh gosh, I- I um... I have to go..." She tried to run off but I held her arm.
"Why? Your crying! Something's wrong ad I know it, you can tell me, consider me your 'therapist'" I said, I meant it too. I wanted to help her.
"We'll... I just had a rough day is all" she said tearing up a little more.
"You sure? Your starting to cry again" I said assuring her that it was okay to tell me. "Come on, Ill buy you some food."
"No, please it's okay... I-I'm not hungry." She whispered shakily
"You're sure about that?" Do you have a phone?"
"Yeah... I-I do..." Se trailed off.
"Here. It's my phone number. Text me if anythings wrong." I said
"No I can't accept this, your-"
"Your therapist, now take it" I cut her off with a chuckle. Then I took her to a cafe area close by and asked her sincerely what was wrong.
"We'll, I don't really have anything to be sad about" se said "I just really don't like my school..."
"What school do you go to?" I asked "Horn lake middle..." She said. Wow middle school?! I thought she was older so I could maybe have a relationship with her... We'll I am Olay nineteen. Since I'm in a band we had to lie about are ages so teenagers wouldn't get their hopes up and we weren't adressed as minors and had to stop making music whenever something "adulty" happened. So I she was an with grader I could just wait for four years. She'd be 18 and I'd be 23 and we could be... Wait why am I planning this out! She's 13!

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