The pain!!!

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Ambers POV
Do today was the day I go back home. I'm not looking forward to leaving. I wish I could stay in Andy's arms forever.
When listening to his music I always thought of him as a godly being, but spending time with him I have come to the realization that he is just a normal person. Okay maybe not normal. Way more awesome than that! But he's no more important than anyone else on this earth. Even though he is to me.
So Andy dropped Kaitlyn and I off at her house. But before I got off the bus I felt the need to cry apparently so it took the boys forever to get me to shut up! Why am I so sappy when it comes to goodbyes? I hugged and flooding him in my tears and I wouldn't let go. Soon CC pulled me off him and I dried my eyes. I said goodbye gave Andy a short kiss, and left.
This was the worst feeling I'd ever gotten. I missed him already and I couldn't help but think about his beautiful blue eyes that seemed to connect with mine ever so easily. Alas this was it. I would probably never see him for years and years to come...
After we entered Kaitlyns house her little nephew Jordan raced up to her and said "KAY KAY IS HOMEEEE!!!!" I giggled. Jordan could be so cute!
Kaitlyn said "yes kay Kay's home!" Which earned another giggle from me.
As soon as we got to her room she plugged in her phone and immediately started to dial Hayley's number. This gaga me the urge to call Andy but something told me I shouldnt. Me, being desperate to hear his voice, didn't care. So I dialed his number and Ashley picked up the phone.
"Hello?" He said.
"Ahoy!" I said which made him laugh. "Where's Andy?"
"Well, I don't think he can talk right now....." Said Ashley suspiciously.
"Why what's wrong?" I quickly spat concerned for my one true partner.
"Well listen for your self." He said.
In the background I heard painful noises that sounded like they were comming from Andy!
"What's going on Ashley!" I shouted through the phone. " Did he break another rib again?!" I said even more concerned than before.
"NO! Absolutely not! he learned his lesson about jumping around. It's CC." Said Ashley assuring me Andy was okay.
"THATS NOT GOOD ASHLEY WHAT HAPPENED!" I almost yelled startling Kaitlyn. I got a weird yet concerned look from her, she also
Mouthed the words "what's going on?"
So Ashley explained to me that CC had been swinging at a park and fell of and hit groin first on a near by tree. I burst out laughing and tried to calm down enough to ask why he screamed so loud and what it had to do with Andy and the answer I got was "he got a splinter." I began to cry because I was laughing so much so I hung up to tell Kaitlyn everything.
"What the heck was that?!" Exclaimed Kaitlyn.
"Ashley picked up the phone and I heard yelling in the background and he told me CC fell off a swing and crushed his nut sack!" I said trying not to laugh.
"Why is that so funny?" She asked questioning my behavior.
"Because he got a splinter!!!" I merely yelled as Kaitlyn burst out laughing. "We have to go to the park and see if he's okay."
"Okay let's get the bikes." Se said recovering from her seizure off laughter.
Andy's POV
"Cc would you shut up and get to the van? You can go get it out in there!" I said as Ashley left to go answer his phone or something.
"I-I can't move! Andy you don't know how much pain I'm it right now!" CC managed to mutter.
"Just carry me Andy my legs aren't working!" He pleaded.
"Fine but you owe me a solid!" Is sarcastically spat.
"Thanks bro-OWEWWW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" he yelped.
"What you mean this?" I said as I plopped him on his feet. "Now walk!" I said. I sat there and watched CC waddle for a few and went over to see who Ashley was talking to. Before I got there he hung up so I asked who it was.
" Oh it was amber I told her you were busy with Chris penguin over there." Ashley said snickering at CC's waddle motions.
"Amber called! Give me the phone!" I reached over and snached my phone when all of a sudden amber comes behind me with Kaitlyn.
"Hi Andy!" she said bubbly as ever.
"Oh hey amber. Since when did you get here?" I asked. "Did you come to see the penguin exhibit?" I said pointing to CC. Meanwhile Jinxx and jake were videoing it.
"Haha yeah, we came to chink on CC." Said Kaitlyn.
We al walked over and helped him to the bathroom on the bus. He was tinier than he looks, and he's pretty little!
Authors note: hey sorry I haven't updated in a while, exams sucked and I have writers block so.....

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