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A/N I honestly though this story was trash and I want to thank you guys for reading it and supporting it, I just got wattpad back, and my 3 year hiatus is over. I'll try to add to this story but PLEASE message me with ideas for what you want to hear because I really want to just start fresh if I can. I love you little creatures!!!
Ambers POV
Well, its been three years since I've seen Andy. Our breakup was probably the worst thing that's ever happened to me.
"I love you so much, but I can't be in a relationship with you until we can both mature, this highschool thing is really unhealthy for both of us. I love you, and hope to reconnect with you as soon as possible...
-forever and always, yours, Andy"
(End if flashback)
He read that to me in out last date, and gave me the note. Words can't describe the despair I felt innthat moment. I was depressed, more than usual, for many months. Once I came to terms with it, I realized how much I had to look forward to. I'm 19 now, out if highschool, and its time for me to find him. I'm not getting my hopes up. Hey couldve found someone better, and if so good for him, but I need to know him, and know what our lives will be like. I need to assure myself if my destiny.
Andy's POV
I'm 23, its been three years since I broke up with amber. And ever since then, I can't stop thinking about her. I hope to god she's still willing to be with me. She's the love of my life...
"Dear Amber,
I'll be in Mississippi for a few days next week. I'd really love it if you'd plan a date with me. I miss you, and I hope you forgive me.
-love, Andy."
I sent her this letter yesterday. I hope she doesn't hate me...
So I know this is really short, but I just kinda wanted to slowly fall back into a schedule. Remember. Vote, and comment. I love you guys. I'm always looking for messages so hit me up <3

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