Ry and Bren team up, Pete And Mikey Sneak Out And Sarah's Got A Band

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There's a trigger warning on Mikey and Pete's POV and ER MAH GERD THERES NEW PEEPZ

"Ryan Ross, you'll be teaming up with Brendon Urie on this project." Mr Way said, not looking up from the computer as he read out the pairings. He'd paired Frank with Mikey, Pete with a girl called Hayley Williams and Ray with Patrick.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' was all that was going around in Ryan's head when his and Brendon's names were read out. Over the time of knowing the younger boy, Ryan had developed a somewhat major crush on him. He couldn't back out of the pairing, as Mr Way had just put people with people on their tables - or had tried to - and if Ryan wanted out, well he was pretty sure Pete would try to pair with Mikey and Patrick would try to pair with Pete. Honestly, Ryan would support a polyamorous relationship between them, but that's a different matter.

"Well, I'd get to work on designing your project, or you'll have a hell of a lot more homework that is really unnecessary." Mr Way clapped his hands, signalling the class to go sit with their assigned partner and get working.

"Hey Ry." Brendon grinned, shuffling his stool closer to the boy with the scarves, the nickname making Ryan's heart flutter.

"Hey Brendon." Ryan smiled back, pulling the paper that sir had placed on the desk closer.

"Do I not get a cute nickname?" Brendon pouted, grabbing his pencil and starting a little mindmap of ideas.

"We're not dating, remember that, Bren." Ryan giggled. "Besides, 'Bren' isn't cute-"

"Then call me something else." Brendon said, smirking at the blush that was slowly making it's way onto Ryan's cheeks. "Like honey, or muffin, or love. Or even babe."

"You've got a girlfriend, Bren." Ryan reminded the other boy. As much as the notion of Brendon dating Sarah pained Ryan's heart, it was true, they were dating. Ryan was not going to ruin that. 

"That's true, but she won't know, will she, Ry?" Brendon asked, letting Ryan add his ideas to the paper. "She lives a town away. Anyway, it's just a name, she won't get mad about that."

"Can we just get on with the work please?" Ryan begged, frowning at Brendon. "I don't want extra homework."


"I fucking hate this shitty project and everything to do with it! I can't fucking do it, and Mikey is too far up Pete's ass to even remember my name." Frank exclaimed, gesticulating wildly. Gerard rolled his eyes, barely looking up from his sketchbook. 

"Frankie, come on, it's not that hard-"

"Gee, shut up." Frank sighed, running his hand through his hair. "You're good at this shit! If I try to draw a fucking stickman it ends up looking like a moldy potato that's been shit out by a fucking cat." Slamming his head down onto the coffee table, Frank mumbled "I need a fucking cigarette. Or a fuck."

"Here Frankie." Gerard sighed at his not quite boyfriend, handing him a cigarette and a lighter. 

Frank took them, instantly lighting the cigarette and taking a drag. "I mean, I was hoping for a fuck, but this'll do."

"You're a little horny midget, you know that right?" Gee laughed, closing his sketchbook and carefully pacing it next to him on the sofa.

"I may horny, but I'm not a midget." Frank said, moving to sit next to Gerard.

"Frank, I don't mean to make it all serious, but what are we?" Gerard asked, turning his head to look at the younger boy. "Are we boyfriends? Or are we just a- a fuck, basically."

"I don't know." Frank sighed, looking down at his knees. "I don't want us to just be a fuck." He brought his cognac eyes up to Gerard's honey ones.

"I don't want that either, Frankie." Gerard smiled a small smile. 

"Well, in that case, Gerard Way, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes, Frank Iero, I will be your boyfriend." Gerard smiled, leaning forward and connecting his and his new boyfriend's lips in a soft kiss.


Pete was laying on a bed. It wasn't his bed, it was the bed of the boy he was in love with. Mikey fucking Way. Truthfully, Mr and Mrs Way didn't know Pete was here. He shouldn't even be out of his own house as it was about 2 am. 

Pete could feel Mikey's chest rising and falling as he breathed. Pete's breathing was shallow and shaky as his eyes moved over Mikey's arms. Straight, uniform lines marched up as far as Pete could see. Although Pete couldn't see very far up his date mate's arm, he could still see quite far up. Those lines scared Pete, as he knew what it was like to be in a place where you felt you needed to do that. Pete's scars were old and fading, and Mikey knew about them. Mikey's scars were new and prominent, and now Pete knew about them.

"Pete, is everything okay?" Mikey whispered, running Pete's arm.

Pete paused. "Yeah, everything's fine."

"Pete, you're a better kisser than you are a liar." Mikey moved Pete so they could sit up. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I just- I -" Pete shook his head. "I just, I keep thinking..." He trailed off.

"You keep thinking what?" Mikey pushed, placing his hands softly on the older boy's shoulder's.

"Can we go somewhere else and talk about it?" Pete asked. "I've already came here, we might as well go somewhere else."

"Okay, sure."

They pulled on their clothes and shoes and clambered out of Mikey's bedroom window, making their way towards the lake on the edge of town. 


Sarah got over to Brendon's town more than he realised. She came over to meet up with her friends and band mates. 

At about 6 that afternoon, Sarah had hopped on the bus for the half an hour ride to where the others lived, her bass guitar in her grasp. Once she was at her stop, Sarah had got off and met up with the band's guitarist Jamia Nestor. The two girls walked to the drummer's house, talking about school and music as the went.

Jamia didn't even bother to knock, she just opened the door, yelling up the stairs 'Sarah's here!' and moved into the kitchen to get a drink.

Sarah, being the polite girl she is, closed the door behind her and went upstairs to greet the other two girls in the band.

"Sarah! We're glad you could make it!" Alicia, the band's drummer, exclaimed, jumping up from her drum kit and hugging Sarah, who just had enough time to put her bass down.

"Where's Jamia gone to?" Hayley, the singer, asked, looking up from her lyric book and smiling at Sarah.

"She went straight to the kitchen-"

"Sarah, you should know everything I do is the opposite of straight." Jamia's voice sounded from the stairs. They all looked behind Sarah to see Jamia stood with a cup in her hand that was most definitely filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage.

"Yeah, when will we meet your girlfriend Jamia?" Alicia asked, tapping the rim of he floor tom on her drum kit absent mindedly. 

"When she feels like she wants to be mobbed by a bunch of high schoolers." Jamia shrugged, walking over and sitting on an amp.

"Well, what about Sarah's boyfriend?" Alicia added, nobody noticing as Hayley tensed up.

"Oh, Brendon doesn't really-" She paused as she pulled out her bass. "want my friends to freak out over him, y'know? You guys get all protective over me and he's told me that kinda scares him." Sarah smiled, but it faultered when she remembered her conversation with Ryan Ross.

'He hasn't mentioned you once'

"Sarah?" Hayley called, waving a hand in front of the brunette's face. "You okay? You ready to play?"

"Yeah, sure." Sarah smiled at her friend's unsure face. "Lets rock."

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