Lindsey's Pissed And Patrick And Ray Remind Everyone They Exist

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"Frankie?" Gerard asked, his eyes focused on his boyfriend's phone screen. He didn't want to be nosy and controlling, but when someone who has a heart in their contact name on your boyfriend's phone and then texts him with three kisses, you start getting a little worried. 

"Yeah, Gee?" Frank said, moving into the room with a cigarette between his fingers.

"Who's this?" Gerard asked, holding up Frank's phone so he could see.

"Oh, that's just Alicia." Frank smiled reassuringly at Gerard's unconvinced face. "I met her the other day, I didn't put her name like that, she did." Frank kissed Gerard's forehead softly. "I can change it if you want me to."

"No, you don't have to, it's-" Gerard was interrupted by the slamming of the front door. He stood up as Lindsey stormed into the living room.

"Gerard." She snapped. Gerard was kind of scared. "If you don't go to work tomorrow you'll get fired and I'll kick the fucking shit out of you."

"Why will you kick the shit out of me?" 

"Because I know you have Jamia in your lesson tomorrow, and she needs some fucking sorting out, I swear!" Lindsey yelled, throwing herself onto the sofa. She lit a cigarette. "Can somebody call Bob, 'cause I need some fucking weed." 


Patrick was getting pushed away, and he knew it. He was letting it happen because he was far to nice to say anything to Pete. Seeing how happy Pete was- well, Patrick found it hard to tell him to spend more time with him and not Mikey. No-one really knew what Pete and Mikey were, in regards to 'relationships'. Were they boyfriends? Not quite. Were they friends? Definitely not. So what were they? 

Patrick sighed, putting down his phone again. He'd texted Ray, seeing if he wanted to spend any time together. He hadn't seen the message. Patrick would've cursed himself, but he was too nice to swear. With shaking hands, Patrick picked up his phone once more, finally pressing 'call'. After several rings, Ray picked up.

"Hi Patrick, how are you?" Ray's voice sounded.

"I- eh." Patrick sighed. "Sorry, I'm just over-thinking."

"What's wrong?" Ray asked, concerned. "You can tell me, I'll take it to my grave if I have to." 

"I guess I just feel like Pete's forgotten about me. He's been spending so much time with Mikey recently and I feel left behind."

"Patrick, I'm sure it's fine. You know what it's like when people get in relationships. For a while they're all 'lovey-dovey' and they never want to stop being next to each other, but after a bit, they get used to it, and they go back to their friends." Ray explained, Patrick could tell he was smiling soothingly. "Give it a few weeks and Pete will be talking to you like he used to, I'm sure." 

"I don't want to give it a few weeks, though, Ray." Patrick sighed.

"Why don't we meet up at the park near Mikey's house, and I'll see if I can take your mind off of it." 

"Okay, that sounds good." Patrick agreed, getting ready to leave the house.


Frank's fist hurt as he whacked it against Jamia Nestor's front door. She opened it with an eye roll and smudged eyeliner.

"What do you want Iero?" She asked, letting her friend in. 

"I want to know why you've pissed off Lindsey." Frank demanded. "I was at Gee's and she stormed in, yelling at his to go to work tomorrow so he can 'sort you out' or something." 

"Fuck's sake." She mumbled, sitting on the sofa. "But why do you want to know what I've done, anyway?"

"Because Lindsey's my friend, and you were so happy with her."

"Maybe, just maybe, she walked in on my friend Alicia kissing me." Jamia mumbled, looking away from Frank.

"What the fuck Jamia!" He exclaimed, leaping off the sofa. "Please tell me you tried to stop her."

"I did!" Jamia defended, "She's just really strong and I couldn't get her off me."

"Come, on we're going to Lindsey's. I'm going to get this sorted out if it's the last thing I do." Frank said, grabbing Jamia and pulling her out the house. "And by the looks of how much Lindsey's pissed off, it might actually be the last thing I do."

"And what a shame if it is," Jamia chuckled as she locked the door. "Gerard hasn't pounded you into the mattress yet."

"I'd be the one pounding him into the mattress, Jamia." He corrected, laughing.

This one feels really short and I have no fucking clue why. Maybe because it's only just over 700 words. Idk. In a bit!

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