Chapter 5

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I do not own Pokemon or the characters in this

With the gang
"What's taking so long" Misty groaned. Gary smirked Leaf turned to him and glared at the auburn teen. She then said,"What are you smirking about Gary". He responded with Come on Leafy you don't think they are just talking do you. He smirked at her again. She rolled her eyes and said,"Gary you PERVERT they are just 15 have some respect"she groaned. The others nodded in agreement and rolled their eyes at Gary's stupidity. He shrugged he was about to say something when Misty started screaming at Ash. "ASH YOU FAT ASS YOU ATE ALL OUR FOOD!" He said," Mist I'm sorry I was hungry". Paul grunted and said," Dumbass you just ate food from the food court". Ash just shrugged and said "That was just an appetizer". "What are we gonna eat now" asked Dawn. Everyone shrugged at the bluenette's question. Misty then said ,"We will go the store and the boys will buy us food for the whole week and they can thank Ash" she grinned at Ash who gulped before getting glares from the plum haired boy and auburn boy.  Before they could protest out came May and Drew blushing while holding hands. Yes May said yes to Drew's question from last chapter.

Everyone with confused looks look at the couple deciding on whether or not to ask . Then Dawn decided to speak up and said,"Whats going on here" ? Looking at them and glancing at their intertwined hands. "Welll" May started off before getting cut off by Drew. "We are together he said with a smirk then continued she has the privilege to date the Drew Hayden". May glared at him and said," Shut up Hayden"then punched him playfully. Everyone nodded in understanding Gary said, "So did you guys do the dirty deed" he then smirked and received a glare from everyone. "Gary" Leaf said to the boy he glance at her before getting tackled by said girl who started pulling his hair. He screamed "Leafy sorry I couldn't help it I had to ask"! Drew and May sighed at their friends who were on the floor. Drew said,"Gary do you think I will be doing that I'm too young and I would never wanna pressure May into doing something she isn't ready for and me as well " he smiled at her who happily returned it. "Guys we should go to the store before it gets too late"Dawn pointed out. Everyone agreed and off they went the boys in Drew's green Lamborghini with Drew driving, Gary in shotgun due to Ash and Paul arguing over it while they were in the back seats. The girls in Leaf's gray Convertible her driving, May in passenger, and Misty and Dawn in the backseats.

At the store

Once everyone entered the store they had to get in partners to make sure no one got left behind. The partners were Dawn and Paul, May and Drew. Leaf and Gary, lastly Misty and Ash. They all had to make sure to not just get junk food but actual food and ingredients. While everyone was looking for food May and the girls could feel as if they were being watched and started to talk telepathically to each other.

Telepathic conversation

Guys I feel strange-May 

Same -Dawn,Leaf

As if we were being watched -Misty

Do you think the boys feel this way-Leaf

I don't know-Dawn

We should ask them-May


End of telepathic convo ~~~~~~~~

May turned to look at Drew he had a concerned look on his face. "May babe are you ok"he said "Yes why wouldn't I be" she said with a smile cause he called her babe. "Well cause you weren't listening to me" he said with a smirk. "Well Drew I was just talking with the girls we feel a weird aura around us that's why". "Are you sure it isn't cause your with your handsome boyfriend" he said with a grin while flipping his hair. She rolled her eyes and glared at him,"DREW I'm being serious right now FOCUS" she shrieked. "Okay I was kidding I know I feel the same way too like someone or something is watching us"he said with his hands up in defense. "We guys all agree we should pay what we have and go to Leaf's house we don't wanna leave you guys alone" he said with a genuinely worried smile. "Aww does little grasshead wanna protect me"she said with a shy and mocking grin. He rolled his eyes and said,"As your boyfriend it's kinda my job, but I don't mind". She nodded in agreement well lets go find them she said dragging him as he pushed the cart he sighed and followed his brunette girlfriend.

At Leaf's house

As they all met up and the guys paid aka Drew. Everyone went to the cars and drove to Leaf's house. As they got out of the house it started to pour rain they ran inside with the groceries. As they entered the house with the barrier still going strong the rain can still go through it though. There cellphones that beeped at the same time they all looked at each other with confusion before reading the message it said to stay in doors because of the bad storm that has just began. They all groaned because 1. they had to stay indoors and 2 its the last week of summer and they will be spending it bored in a house.

"Well we should get cooking and do something before the power goes out"said Leaf. The girls went to the kitchen to start cooking some food while the boys went to look around the house to look for some movies. The girls decided to make some chili due to the cold weather. They prepared it mostly Misty since she had a little more cooking experience than the rest of the girls. The boys entered the room with the fresh aroma of the food cooking they just had to wait since it does take quite some time for chili to cook. Ash hung his head over the pot in awe and hoped that by staring at it that it would cook faster to his dismay it didn't. Drew spoke up and said "These are the movie choices we found " it was a comedy, action , scary, and romance. The guys all wanted the scary movie so did Misty who agreed. While the other girls wanted the comedy. The three girls sighed and they all sat down on the couch and Drew plopped the movie in it was Poltergeist it just came out last year in theaters. May sighed and said ,"What if I get a nightmare or worse can't wake up from it". She said with fear and started to shake. The commercials started to play Drew sighed and sat next to her and put an arm around his girlfriend and said,"May nothing is going to happen I promise the movie isn't that scary plus if you get a nightmare I will wake you up instantly" he said with a reassuring smile. May smiled at him and said,"Ok"as she leaned on his shoulder.

As the movie went on May was a little scared at the jump scares which was normal she expected them but they still scared her. Each time she would jump Drew would hug her tighter so she felt reassured. She wouldn't admit it but even though Drew would hug her she did feel less scared but she still had fear inside her. As the movie ended everyone fell asleep except for May who was shivering with fear and as she was scared enough the lights flickered and the power went out. She then felt something covering her eyes in the darkness. She screamed,"AHHHH THE CLOWN GOT ME HELP"!
Everyone jumped out the sectional couch to see .......

End of chapter 5 lol very interesting filled with laughs

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