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Chapter 5


It was raining, rain, rain, it describes my life, it falls and falls and it stops falling and soaks in the ground and comes back up again. I was soaked from head to tow... it wasn't the perfect quest, well with the Pale Orc and Smaug it will never be.

"Mr. Gandalf! Can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori yelled.

"It is raining, master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done," Gandalf answered, "If you wish to change the weather of the world, you'll have to find yourself another wizard.''

"Are there any?" Bilbo asked.

"What?" Gandalf said in reply.

"Other wizards.."

"Oh..yes there were five of us. There is Sauroman the white, there are two blue wizards...which I have conveniently forgotten there games, and there is Radagast the brown..."

"Is he a great wizard or is he mor like you?" I chuckled and looked at Gandalf he seemed to pretend he didn't take it as any offense.

"I think he is a very great wizard in his own way he keeps to the woods and looks after them. which is a good thing concidering that evil is trying to get into those woods every day."


"We'll camp here for the night. Filli, Killi you look after the ponies, make sure you stay with them," Thorin ordered.

Gandalf started to talk to himself, "A farmer and his family used to live here."

"Oin, Gloin!" Thorin commanded.

"Aye," one of them said.

"Get a fire going," Thorin answered.

"I think it would be wiser to move on," Gandalf called to Thorin," we could make for the hidden valley," he continued.

"I have told you already," Thorin argued, "I will not go near that place!"

"And why not!" Gandalf questioned him,"the elves could help us, we could get food, rest, and advice."

"I do not need there advice!" Thorin angrily said back.

I decided to go and take a nap I was extremely tired and I didn't want to see Gandalf and Thorin's shouting match.
I dozed of into a peaceful slumber...


I was shaken awake by Thorin, "What in Durin's name was that for, can't you see I'm sleeping!" I criticized.

"Bilbo has gotten himself into trouble." Thorin explained as I got up.

"What kind of trouble?" I asked while running after Thorin.

"With...trolls," Thorin replied. trolls? Well he is in a terrible mess, and soon so are all of us.

Once we get to where he is we hide and see that Bilbo is currently in one of the palms of the trolls, Thorin gives us a signal and we charge with a swords in our hands and we attack the giant mountain trolls.

We were doing a good job until the trolls held up bilbo by his arms and legs and one of them said, "Lay down your arms or we'll whip his off!" I glanced at Thorin he gave us a nod and I threw down my sword.

Next thing I know I am in a sack next to half the company, the other half what tied to a giant branch and slowly being turned over the fire. I must have been hit on the head because my vision was blurred and I couldn't hear that well. From what I could make out Bilbo was arguing with the trolls, then we all started to yell, after that there was a big flash of light and the next thing I know I'm being helped on to my feet. Gandalf preformed a little spell on me and instantly I felt better.

I looked at the trolls and they had turned to stone, probably from the sunlight. Again Thorin started to question Gandalf, "Where did you go if I may ask?"

"To look ahead," answered Gandalf.

"What brought you back?"

"Looking behind," Gandalf had a little smile on his face when he said that, "Nasty business," Gandalf continued, "well at least you all got out in one piece."

"No thanks to your bugler."

"He had the nerves to play for time, nobody else thought of that," Gandalf paused for a few seconds then said," they must have come down from the Etton Woods."

"When do trolls venture this far south?"

"Not for an age, not since the darker power ruled these lands. They could not have moved in daylight."

"There must be a cave near by."

Thorin was correct not to far from where we were there was a troll cave, it smelled discusting and there was insects all around.

"Becareful of what you touch!" Gandalf instructed.

"It seems a shame just to leave it lying around," buffer said while kicking the gold around, "anyone could take it,"

"Agreed, Nori grab a shovel," Gloin said. They started to burry the gold so they could get it later.

Thorin started to dig around and found something very beautiful, some swords, they look elvish.

"These were not made by any trolls," Thorin stated.

"nor were they made among any smith among men," Gandalf added,"these were made in Gondilion, by the High Elves of the First Age, you could not wish for a finer blade," he said as Thorin was putting the sword back.

The rest of the company was about finished burring the gold we headed out of the cave. There was a noise a branches snapping fast and loud Thorin commanded, "Arm yourselves! Someone's coming..."


I am so sorry it took me this long to update, I have been so busy! Any way Happy New Year! It's 2014 finally! I want to thank you for reading it means a lot to me! comment follow like!

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