Giants-Storm Giants

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Chapter 9
Giants - Storm Giants

"M'Lady, Thorin calls for you!" Ness called while opening the golden silk curtains.

"Thank you, Ness," I said, I was not used to getting tended to unless I was injured, even then I mostly had to mend myself.

I get up with trouble and I stretch myself up. I walk over to the closet and pick an outfit. I first put on the purple leggings, then the purple, short dress, then the gloves that had many holes in it, and lastly the over shirt.

(A/N this outfit was kind of designed after Turiel's outfit from The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug)

Once I realized that the sun was rising I had to hurry things up. I on my black boots, my belt with my new sword, my new quiver with my bow and arrows, and I put 1 dagger in my belt, one in my boot, and the other on my quiver. no one could see it cause it was on the side facing me.

I ran down the stairs and dashed over to the ran devo point. The whole company was there except Gandalf. I walked over to Thorin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Good morning love."

"Good morning my beautiful," he replied while picking me up and twirling me around. The group just stood there befuddled.

"So where's Gandalf?" I ask.

"I was just getting to that. here are the plans we are to wait for him in the mountains, he will be there soon," Thorin said.

"So basicly he's creating a diversion?" I say.

"Yup," Balin replied.

"Now that you are royal, do we have to call you M'lady?" Bomber asked.

"Let's see, how 'bout this, if you want to call me M'lady for the fun of it I'm ok with that, but we all know you don't actually mean it!" I answered.

"Yes, M'lady!" Filli said while laughing.


We have been walking for quite some time the path narrows, and narrows, and narrows. I am standing right next to Thorin, we hold each other up cause it's not easy going sideways a league up.

Tink, tink, tink, went the rain on the rocky mountain side. Clash! Clash! BOOM! The thunder and lighting role in. Then Balin shouts to the group, "This is no mere thunderstorm, it's a thunder battle! The story's and tales are true! Giants STROM GIANTS!"
Right after he said that the ground started to shake, the rocks started to move, and separate. We were standing on a Storm Giant! Me and Thorin we holding hands at the time and it splinted us up.

"THORIN," I screech yell.

" ADRIANNA!" Thorin yelled, "Since we probably are going to die, if I asked you to marry me would you have said yes?"



"YES OF COURRRRSSSSE!" I yelled while practically loosing my balance, the other giant threw a boulder at the giant we were on causing him to fall. I look at Thorin whose leg that he was on was about to crash into the mountain side. Then the leg collided with the mountain side, "NOOOOOOO!"

Once we were able to go where the were we jumped of the leg and I ran over there as fast as my dwarf legs could take me. "Your alive!" I say with great cheer giving him a big kiss. "wait, does this mean we're engaged?"

"Yes my dear I think it does!" Thorin said while pulling me into a loving kiss.


Sorry for the really short chapter I felt like the next part should be all together. if you have any ideas for the name of the next book please comment them! Read, vote, comment, follow!

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