Story One- Chapter One

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“Lady Camilla could you please stop that?" you politely asked the princess. She smiled “Im sorry, your just so cute." She let go of your cheek and you started to rub it. It was pretty sore since Camilla had been pinching it for what seemed like an eternity. “Unless you'd like me to pinch somewhere else?" she asked with a wink. You took a small step away. Sometimes she was a little too comfortable around you. “Its alright. You really don't have to do that." You insisted. A book was slammed shut “Do you plan on getting back to our studies any time soon?" Leo asked, clearly annoyed. Before you could answer though, the doors swung wide open. “(Y/N)! Come visit Corrin with me? Please?" Elise tugged you towards the door and you couldn't help but smile at the princess' enthusiasm. “Alright you don't have to pull me." You followed her closely. The castle still confused you even though you had been brought her years ago. After your sister Corrin was born but still. Elise had been nice to you from the start (It helped that you were older but... Thats not the point). Camilla was nice too but was always a little... Touchy. Leo had only just started to warm up to you and Xander was still fairly distant but they all regarded you as family. Which kind of confused you when it came to Camilla but you could figure that out later.

After your visit with Corrin it was already dark out so you and Elise were sent your quarters. Well, Elise was sent, you were escorted. “Night, (Y/N)!" She waved goodbye and you waved back.

The hall started to get darker and darker... “Thats strange..." You said to yourself.  “Yell for the gaurds... I dare you." You froze. How did someone get into the castle let alone the private quarters? “Elis-" You tried yelling for your sister to run but found you had been knocked out before you could finish saying her name.
“What a disappointment" you heard Leo say. Xander scoffed “To be taken down by such a lowly hoshidan soldier." He shook his head in dissapointment. You stormed over in anger “I was not taken down!" Elise shouted at her brother “Stop it! I know you guys care about it! At least a little! Why do you have be so mean!?" Camilla placed a hand on Elise's shoulder and glared at their brothers. Corrin spoke up “(Y/N)'s gone missing you could do to show a little more compassion regarding your missing brother." It was like they couldn't hear you. “Come on! I'm not missing! Corrin! Elise! Look at me, I'm right here!" You shouted. You tried to grab Camilla's wristCamilla please!" But your hand slipped right through.

You jolted upright “No!" Elise yawned “Is something wrong (Y/N)?" She asked sleepily. You shook your head. “Its nothing... Just go back to sleep... I'm... I'm going to take a walk alright?" She nodded and fell back into her bed. You stepped out into the hall. What kind of crazy dream was that? You didn't even have your own room and you brothers and sister trusted you... Didn't they?
You sighed and made your way down the hall. You couldn't wander far since you had to be able to walk back to the room but still it made you think. Did they really trust you? You started walking back and tried to wipe the thoughts from your head. What were you thinking?! Of course they trusted you! Family trusts family. You sighed and closed the door to yours and Elise's room. Now that you thought about it... You had been having that dream a lot lately. Maybe you could talk to Leo about it tommorow? You sat down on your bed and rubbed your temple. All this doubt was making head hurt. You went over the things you knew in your head.

1. You were Prince (Y/N) of Nohr
2. People loved you.
3.You weren't born royal but your mother didn't marry King Garon either.
4. You would do anything for your siblings...

“Or would I?" You asked quietly. If it really came down to it, would you actually give anything up for them. Xander doesn't like you all that much and you only really get along with Leo while you're studying. But then there were your sisters. Elise and Camilla. Actually... You found that lately you had been spending more time with the retainers then your siblings. Felicia was nice just a little clumsy. Not nearly as uptight as Jakob was. It always felt like he was trying to kill you with tea the last few times you had taken tea with them. On the other hand you could almost win against Effie in an arm wrestling contest. Arthur and Elise were always eager to watch your matches. Then there were Xander's retainers. You got along with Laslow pretty well but Perri... Well you didn't know what to think about Perri. She seemed nice enough but something gave you the feeling the tools of her hair nwere not always pink... Ypou lay back down. It kinda hurt to think about Odin and Niles. Odin was styrangely egotistical for a retainer and Niles was just a jerk most of the time. You tried to fall asleep again but found it next to impossible. Should I tell Leo about my dream or would it be better to keep it to myself?

Author's Note- Hello (Y/N) this is my first times reader so please tell me how I did. What should you do? Do you want to tell Leo about your dream or should you keep it to yourself? I'll try including decisions for you, the viewer, to make as much as possible that way it feels like you have some control as to what happens. Yes I realize this escalated quickly but that is how I roll. Any who...tell me what you thought, if you want me to continue and what you think (Y/N) should do.

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