Chapter Two

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You couldn't focus on your breakfast that morning. Elise slid a pen across the table and you looked up. She looked extremely concerned “Are you okay Y/N? You look pale." You shook off the question “Its nothing to worry about, really." You gave her a small smile but she crossed her arms. “Why aren't you eating?" She asked. “I'm not very hungry right now I'm fine I promise." This was partly true. You weren't hungry but you were far from fine. You didn't feel good about lying to your sister but you had decided against telling her about your nightmare. If you did tell her she'd probably feel bad and tell Leo Xander and Camilla which you really didn't need. Camilla stood up from her seat “Well... I guess that's that then." She pushed away from table and exited the dining hall. “That was odd..." Elise commented on her sister's uncharacteristicly early exit. “She seemed upset you noticed. Elise nodded “Ill bet it has something to do with those letters we got yesterday." You looked back towards the door which Camilla had left open after leaving. She hasn't made one off topic remark to you that morning. “Where are Leo and Xander? They should be here by now..." You looked around the dining hall felt large and empty without the majority of your siblings. Elise shrugged “Paperwork? Books? Maybe they slept in." She picked up her things and without saying goodbye left the hall. Now that was really weird.  Elise had been reading something so you picked it up and chased after her “Elise you forgo-" someone shouted “Hes not safe here!" Leo? You stopped and stood quietly next to the closed door. “He doesn't even know where he came from though." Elise said tearfully. You heard Xander sigh “Thats easily changed." Come from?  you thought to yourself. “As much as I'd hate to see him go, I suppose it would be for his own good." A book slammed closed and Corrin spoke up “I can't believe we're even talking about this, of course he's staying here. Hes our brother royal blood or no, we can't just abandon him." You took a couple steps back. They were talking about... You? You raced down the hall and down to the library.

“You seem more distracted than usual... Is everything alright?" Leo asked looking up from their books. You nodded after all that you'd heard you had almost forgotten about your dream. Not that you were going to tell Leo anyways. You figured it would only worry him further. “Just... Working hard." Leo smiled “I knew you'd come around. Books are wonderful are they not?" You nodded and looked back down at your current volume. It wasn't especially large and it was nothing too extraordinary to look at. You flipped over a couple pages and traced your finger over your name on the family tree. Only this wasn't a Nohrian Royal family tree. Sadly it wasn't even Nohrian. You didn't know what kingdom it was. The name had been scratched out every time. You glanced over at the other name, well, what remained of the name. It might as well have been blacked away from existence. This frustrated you to no end but it still had the picture of her. If you remembered how to read family trees like this it would seem this mystery girl was your sister. You looked over at the picture. There wasn't much colour, and the page was tattered, the ink all but faded. You blew some hair out of your face and started humming as you continued to read. Leo paused and looked up “Where... Where did you hear that?" You shrugged. “I dunno I've just kinda always known it I guess." You weren't lying. You really didn't know where you learned the song but you has a hunch it had something to do with the girl from the picture. You heard someone approach from behind and efficiently closed the book hiding it under one of the other books. “What are you doing in here? Studying again?" Camilla leaned against the wall next to the table you and Leo were sitting at. Leo looked offended but held his tongue. “Dont you want to do something... more... entertaining?" She asked. You shook your head and moved to pick up a stack of books. She huffed and crossed her arms as you carefully made sure the right one was hidden among your regular books. “If you don't mind Leo, I believe I'd like to finish what remains of my lessons in the study." Leo nodded and waved you off quickly looking back to his own work. You waved to Camilla and rushed to the study. You needed some silence if you were to ever get this done.

Unfortunately you younger sisters were in the study. Corrin and Elise had seemed a bit on edge before you left them. You sighed. Where else was there to go? The place you lived was grand yes but it was also really big. The reason you couldn't get a retainer was because they kept getting lost in the halls! You made your way to a couple doors and took a deep breath. You weren't really supposed to go outside but you had your sword with you so... It should be fine. Besides what threat could be waiting for you right outside the castle?

Well it turns out there's a reason you don't go outside. No sooner did you walk outside than you were hit with something heavy causing you to drop all your books. Including to one about your family. “N-no..." You tried to gravb for the book but someone picked it up beforw you could reach. That was all you saw before you passed out

A/N- So you his the dream from Leo. Okay one sorry for knocking you out so early on in the story two sorry about when it happens again in the future. I hope you liked the chapter. Comment if you have feedback of not the next chapter should be up pretty soon.

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