Chapter Three

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Quick A/N- I have to apologize if I get a characters personality off and there is a time skip in here. You have been warned.

Shaking. Good gods its cold you thought to yourself trying to open your eyes. Your ears took the hint to start listening and you tried to name everything you were hearing. Wind and ... wind. You gave up and tried opening up your eyes again. You almost screamed how far off the ground were you?! You heard someone muttering and looked around. There had to be some way to get down. “Leo! Elise! Someone help!" You yelled. “This isnt Nohr." The muttering person said. “You there! Put me down this instant!" You demanded. How dare they kidnap you right in front of the castle? Who did they think they were?! They laughed “Yeah that's a problem." You noticed something “Am I... Riding something?" They sighed “Yes, now be quiet you're immensely hard to tie up so don't make me." You clammed up and focused on undoing the binding on your wrists. So much for tying you up. “This looks an awful lot like rope." The girl looked back at you “I hope you realize I have no problem with dropping you." You glared at her but kept your mouth shut. The red head would be the first to go when your family rescued you.

“Youre taking me to the queen? Great. I have some questions I'd like answered." You huffed as the red head pulled you along. You were on the ground now, thank the gods, but you had no idea how to get home from here. “You will answer our questions." She half said half hissed.

Hinoka couldn't believe this was Y/N. Takumi was right... What had happened to him. To her friend. She had thought he was better than this. “Tell me..." She started quietly “How long do you remember being in Nohr?" She asked. Y/N shrugged “Roughly six years" hmm... Maybe Takumi was wrong

You were kind of surprised you let yourself answer that question. But the lack of any attitude in her tone had caught you off guard. She sounded almost... nice. Maybe if you were polite about it you could get some answers of your own. "Its very nice here, where exactly are we?" You tried. “Hoshido." She replied quickly. You nodded “And where are we going again?" She paused and sighed “We're going to visit my mother and brother. Now please... Just..." Her voice was shaking “B-be quiet Y/N" You paused “How do you know my name" she stayed silent but continued walking. That was all you were getting out of her for right now.

It had been two years since you'd been brought to Hoshido by Hinoka. You'd found out a lot but not anything on how she had known your name. She had you cut her hair too. An odd request but you were happy to oblidge. You still didn't get along with Takumi though. He kinda got on your nerves and it was painfully clear you got on his. You hadn't left the Hoshidan Castle much but not because you weren't allowed to. They trusted you here. Well... kind of. Takumi and Lord Ryoma's retainer Saizo both seemed to hate you. There was a sibling you hadn't met though. Hinoka told you she wasnt a people person but you had a feeling it wasnt so much as being a person as being a Nohrian noble. Currently you were spacing out while Yukimura, lectured you on Hoishidan battle strategy. You spun a writing utensil on the desk but sent it flying when the door jerked open. “Yukimura. Lady Mikoto has requested your presence." Your make shift instructor sighed and you walked him to the door. After he'd left the hall you sprinted over to Hinoka's room. You had a couple questions. Obnes you had literally waited two years to ask. You knocked and she tiredly opened the door “Did Setnsuna get caught in a trap again?" She yawned. “Sorry to wake you but I was wondering if you could answer a couple questions. “Like what?" she yawned again. “Like why you knew my name before I told you." She rolled her eyes “Dont be stupid Y/N you've been my best friend for years" she let out yet another yawn “Hell, even Takumi missed you a little." Your eyes widened a bit. “Ive only known you two years Hinoka." She sighed “When we were little you me Ryoma and sometimes even Takumi would have play fights together. Ryoma really gave you an earful for letting me win all the time." She yawned again and you paused “Im sorry I didn't realize what time it was? I should probably let you sleep." Truth be told your small room was right down the hall from hers so it was reasonable to walk back to his own room. She nodded “You should get some sleep too. You have a small bow and said “Good night lady  Hinoka." She rolled her eyes “And to you too Lord Y/N" you walked to your room and shut the door. Drowsyness finally getting to you. Then you noticed something on your desk. A letter. From Nohr?

A/N- Man that felt rushed I am so sorry if that was total crap I couldn't really think of what to do so childhood bam! Friends bam! Time skip bam! Letter bam! This is crap. But please tell me. Do you want to open the letter or see what ignoring it does? Once again sorry about the time jump I just didn't have the time to write two years worth of content and tey to cram it into one chapter. Please bear with me I know this was garbage but the next one will be better I swear. So open or don't open the letter... Bye

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