Chapter Seven- Irregular

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Key- figured since I never put it in a separate chapter I might as well put it here

Y/N- Your name
h/c- hair color
... Ellipses will mark any paragraphs not written in Y/N's  perspective. At the begining and end of each of those paragraphs.

Truth be told they hadn't actually trained you to do pretty much anything but read and write before you were abducted the first time. On the bright side the Hoshidan families had noticed this and had you practice with Lord Ryoma, Kagero and Saizo everyday. Two of those people you had been happy to spend your afternoons with. Xander put his sword away and sighed “I don't see how you were unable to defend yourself that day." You reached up to touch the cut from when you'd tried to protect your friend. “I was panicing." You admitted. Xander gave you an odd look and you realized something. You were using a sword the way Ryoma ahead taught you wield a katana. Two hands on it at all times. Both on the hilt while striking and when in it sheathe one hand on the hilt and the other gripping the sheathe itself. You removed a hand from the sword and cleared your throat “Well would you like to continue?" You glanced over at the rest of your siblings who were at various. Elise had buissied herself with braiding flowers into Corrin hair while Corrin studied with Leo. Camila was a bit disinterested and so seemed their retainers. Jakob made pleasant convertstaion with Elise while handing her some more flowers while Gunter watched them with Beruka. Felicia was talking with Flora, naturally, and Niles was arguing with Odin already. Laslow seemed to be fairly at ease as well as Perri although they both remained silent. Then you looked over at Selena who quickly turned her head in the oppisite direction. Xander got off his horse and shook his head “I think that will be enough for today." You nodded and looked back towards the castle. You'd never realized how menacing the building had looked before. You sighed and walked inside. Home sweet home.

After some consideration you decided you would write the Hoshidan family a letter. Hopefully they wouldn't be too angry. You made your way down a set of hallways for about half an hour before realizing you'd gotten lost. “What you doing all the way over here?" You turned to face Selena. She had her arms crossed and had the oddest expression on her face. It was as if she wanted to stay angry but really didn't have the energy. “I got lost" you admitted. She smiled a bit “Your hopeless." She grabbed your wrist and led you back through some halls and you both ended up near the entrance to the private quarters of his siblings “Hey Selena? Where you staring at me during practice?" She scoffed “Dont flatter yourself." You looked over “I wasn't trying to accuse you of anything. I'm just saying it was nice of you to pay attention since no one else was." She blushed just a bit, “W-whatever." You smiled “You should stop by my room sometime so we can talk." She crossed her arms. “Only if I want to... which I probably won't" you laughed a bit and she glared at you “Whats so funny." You opened the door to your room “You. You're acting like you don't wanna talk to me but I can tell you do." She stomped her foot “And just how do you know that?!" She snapped. You picked up a pen you had dropped and continued “You could have easily left as soon as we got to the door but instead you've stayed here the whole time. Not that I mind." You set the papers just inside your door and picked out a flower from a vase nearby. A bright red rose. You held it out to her and bowed “If you'll excuse me miss." You handed her the flower and entered your room


Selena seemed distracted the rest of the day. “Lady Camila?" She asked and the Nohrian princess looked up from her papers “Yes Selena she smiled. “I was just wondering if I could talk to you about something." Camila smiled “Of course." She patted the seat next to her and Selena sat down. “Now spill. What's troubling you?" Camila set aside her papers in favor of something far more interesting. “Well... There's this person I was talking with earlier today..." She trailed off and twirled a rose around in her hand. It wasn't like Selena to get flustered like this. “just talking to him made me nervous. He caught me looking at him while he was training, but when he asked me I... I couldn't tell him" Training? Must be Xander or... Camila thought to herself for a moment. Selena must have been a darker shade of red than the flower she was holding by the time she responded again. “It sounds like you have a bit of a crush dear..." Selena looked over at her “Thats preposterous why would I develop a crush on him?" Selena crossed her arms, face still flushed. There was a knock at the door and Camila welcomed them inside. Y/N peeked in “Sister? Would you be so kind as to direct me to the mail room?" Camila sighed “Why not just have Jakob take your letter?" He almost recoiled “Jakob is Corrin's retainer though. Besides he already hates me." Camila noticed Selena starting to steal glances at him and smiled “Actually, Selena, do you mind showing Y/N to the mail room?" She picked up her again and sighed “Im just drowning in all this work. Please?" Selena grumbled and stood up “Dont bite him" Camila laughed a bit. “I maker no promises" Selena growled in Y/N's direction before dragging him away from the door. It was true, she liked her ‘brother' very much, perhaps more than a sister should, but she doubted Selena posed any real threat to her. Besides Y/N could never take a hint anyways. Camila laughed to herself and went back to work.


Selena kept her head straight ahead... well maybe she stole a glance... Or two... Or five. But she couldn't help it! Y/N had this stupid smiled plastered onto his face the entire time. Well... Not totally stupid. Just once she wished she could know what he was thinking. “Here we are." Selena stopped outside the small mail room. Y/N sighed “You would think the mail room would be bigger considering the size of this place." Selena crossed her arms “We don't exactly have many friends." Y/N smiled at her “Fair point." She felt heat rush to her face. There he goes again. Why is he so nice all the time?! She thought to herself. Y/N dropped the letter inside the slot and turned back to her “I was wondering..." Selena tried to glare at him but couldn't make herself do it... “Yes?" Y/N ran a hand through his (h/c) hair and took a deep breath “Would you like to have tea with me tommorow. You know just to talk." Tea? Selena raised an eyebrow “Just how much have you been speaking with Laslow?" Y/N laughed “Only a bit." He seemed to realize something and immediately his face turned bright red “Oh! I didn't mean to make you think I was- I wasn't! I'm so sorry." He bowed several times and his his face in his hands. Selena couldn't help but laugh. “I knew that."


You couldn't believe what you had just said! No wonder she asked you if you had been talking to Laslow! “I knew that." You peeked through you hands to see Selena was smiling at you. “I will have to check with Lady Camila but that..." You couldn't hear the rest of her statement until “I should head back to her majesty's study." You nodded “Of course farewell Selena." You walked back to the library, one of the few places you could always seem to find. Selena was such a strange girl. One second she was angry with you the next she was smiling and laughing. You sighed “Why is this stuff always so confusing..?"

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