Chapter Eleven- The Ties We Must Break

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It was almost a pain to open your eyes. “Just don't hurt him." Corrin placed and hand on your shoulder. You heard M laugh a bit “I doubt they'll hurt hurt either of you." You groaned “Why does my head hurt so bad?" M went silent for a bit before admiting, “Rinkah may have kicked you before I was able to explain the situation. I apologize for any discomfort." You turned your head “Discomfort? Im having trouble opening my eyes here."

It seemed you were doing a lot of walking recently. Not that you  were complaining about being back in Hoshido. Although you could do without the glares the people couldn't seem to help but cast at you and Corrin. “Y/N was it this uncomfortable while you were here?" She asked quietly as possible you shook your head. M sighed "its normally not this hostile an atmosphere, I apologize." You all eventually made it back to the palace and M led you all inside clearly not unfamiliar with the building. You approached the throne room. “Uncle!" Kana?  you looked around but didn't see Kamui or his daughter. You looked back over at M and your jaw nearly hit the floor. You could tell he was smiling under his face mask as he spun Kana around like a princess “Hey Kana." She smiled brightly “Why were you gone so long?" She pouted. M rubbed the back of his neck and nodded his head in yours and Corrin's direction “Work really started to pile up." You frowned What's that supposed to mean? M looked around “Come on, I imagine your uncle is tired of waiting for us." Kana pulled M forward and you and Corrin decided to follow rather than face the rather unpleased people outside. M bowed “Lord Ryoma." Ryoma smiled a bit “M you don't have to bow anymore." Kana laughed a bit and Ryoma looked to you and Corrin. “Y/N, Corrin. I'm so glad to see you have all arrived safely. I thought for certain you'd stay in Nohr." Corrin frowned “Y/N? What's going on?" You nodded towards Ryoma. Corrin crossed her arms “What do you need from us?" Ryoma smiled “Just to talk sister." Corrin's eyes widened and she took a step back in surprise “S-sister?!" You couldn't help but smile at her reaction. You pulled something out and unfolded it “I meant to show you this on our way back from the mission but..." You lay the page flat on the ground. “It a family tree I helped Hinoka draw out." You pointed out a couple names “See? There's you and Kamui. Next to Hinoka and Ryoma. Oh and of course your other siblings." You smiled as you continued to point out names. “I still don't get it. King Garon is my father." Corrin protested You paused and listened to Ryoma explain what had happened to King Sumeragi. The doors opened and Kana brightened “Papa! Grandmama!" She rushed over to greet Kamui and someone you hadn't met before. “Corrin, Y/N, your alright. That's wonderful" Kamui picked up his daughter and rested her on his shoulders “Corrin? Is that really you?" Corrin looked back at you “Thats my name." Kamui smiled “I can't believe you made it back home sister." She was about to say something when a Hoshidan soldier rushed in a told Ryoma quickly about a faceless attack. “Thats where Hinoka and Sakura are!"

“I've never riden one of these before!" You shouted down at Ryoma and Corrin. “We're almost there! At least that's what M said!" Kana yelled back up. “Why is he on a pegasus anyways?!" Corrin asked. You steadied yourself and made your way to the ground and managed to ride it like a horse which you had actual practice with. “I spent a lot of time with Hinoka the last time I was here."  You all fell silent until you heard “Of all times to sprain an ankle" Ryoma looked up “Sakura!" You looked around and figured out how to fly up “Hinoka!?" You flew around a bit before landing somewhere... completely different “Y/N! What are you doing here!?" You sped over to Sakura and Hinoka “Are you guys okay?!" Sakura nodded and you remembered something. You jumped off the Pegasus and walked over to Sakura “You said you hurt you ankle right?" She nodded “I-its not that bad really." You shook your head “I simply can't allow you to continue while in pain." You helped her onto the pegasus and smiled. It wasn't often you got to help people being locked up and all. “Now..." You pulled out your sword “There seems to be a threat to eliminate correct?" Hinoka nodded and you got to work.

After all was dealt with you made your way over to where the other where with Sakura and Hinoka. Kana sat atop a wolf that seemed a little too tame and Kamui spoke with Corrin. Ryoma waved you over “I see you found Y/N." Your shoulders dropped he thinks I got lost you thought to yourself. Sakura giggled and you couldn't help but laugh I guess that would make sense though. Hinoka punched your shoulder “And here you had me thinking you defected." She smiled and you rubbed your shoulder. “Well..." You wanted to explain but it was getting dark and you needed to head back before it was night.

You wandered down an all too familiar hall. After all that had happened today it was no wonder you couldn't sleep. “And what of the rest of the Nohrian family?" You heard M ask and you stuck to the wall. “What of them?" Ryoma replied casually as if he hadn't just disregarded the people that raised you. You heard some footsteps behind you and turned. “Y/N your still awa-" you held your index finger to your lips signaling for her to be quiet. She stepped close behind and listened along with you. “You must have some plan for as to the water with Nohr. With Corrin and Y/N missing the attacks will only get worse." You heard Corrin gasp and turned around only to get a fist to your face “Nohrian spy..."

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