Chapter Five- What Once Was Lost

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You woke up to Hinoka slamming open your door "Y/N what are you doing!?" You sat up and rubbed your temple groggily ity looked like you had fallen asleep while sorting through the letters again. "Whats going on?" You mumbled picking up your sword which had fallen over not to far away. Hinoka pulled you out of the room and ran down the hall "Ryoma got hurt!" Your eyes widened How would anyone go about hurting Lord Ryoma? Hinoka pulled you outside and onto her pegasus. "Stupid Nohrian royalty" her voice shook as you both set off for the battle field.


As it turned out Ryoma, despite being injured, was not in as critical condition as you both thought he was in. He was still fighting when you both got there although you were just as distraught as Hinoka had been not to long ago. "Y/N!" Corrin shouted over the commotion in the area. Elise looked up from her position and started to visibly tear up "Y-Y/N!?" Elise ran over and hugged you. You looked down at her "Whats going on here Elise" she only hugged you tighter and Leo rode over "Its nice to see you again brother." You were nearly plowed over by your horse which must have traveled with them from the castle. "Where are Camilla and Xander?" you asked. Leo gestured over to where Xander was plowing his way through Hoshidan soldiers. You felt a pang of guilt. You had trained amoung those soldiers. "Looks like he's come across one of the princesses." Leo commented and your head shot back around. Sakura. Sure enough your older brother had spotted the young healer. You ran "Xander!" You tried yelling but he couldn't hear you. He started to strike but you jumped in front of her arm held in front of you like that would stop the sword. You expected it to be the end of you but the strike never came. You opened your eyes and saw Siegfried sunk into the earth beside you. You watched as some of your own hair drifted towards the ground and felt the side of your head. He had nicked your temple but nothing too serious. "Y/N are you insane? I could have killed you." Xander glared down at you but you turned around. Sakura stared at the two of you in shock "You a-almost-" she stopped and ran back over to her sister in time for something to fly in front of your face "Come to take back your precious little brother have you?!" Takumi glared at them. What was wrong with him?! You just saved Sakura did he care about anyone but himself?! You thought to yourself. Camilla stepped in next to you "Why yes, we did." Takumi lowered his weapon and sighed, "I knew you were still Nohrian at heart. Once scum always scu-" Ryoma pulled you away "Are you alright Y/N? Sakura informed me of what happened." You nodded "It's not what you thi-" Xander looked around "Which one of you Hoshidan dogs kidnapped our brother?" He asked and Hinoka landed next to Ryoma. "Who wants to know?" She snapped. You tapped your foot with impatience could they just listen to you for once "We'll be taking him home okay?" Camilla smiled and gripped your arm. "I'll decide where I'm going!" You yelled and pulled away from your sister the rest of you siblings. A silence settled over them. "Very well Y/N" Ryoma put his katana away. Hinoka looked at her brother "You can't possibly be considering this!" She shouted at her brother. Ryoma looked away from Y/N "Its always been his decision to stay or leave. If he leaves now these past two years meant nothing to him." That wasn't fair. They couldn't say they meant nothing to you just because you could go home. Corrin raced over and hugged you ntighjtly, She smiled gently "Come on... We've been waiting so long just to see you again" You backed away. You couldn't handle a decision this big. Hurt crossed the faces of your sisters and Hinoka and Sakura. "Y-Y/N?" Sakura asked and you looked back and forth from her to your sister Elise. You heard a couple more familiar voices "Perri no!" You turned around to see what was going on. Bad idea. Your face was met with the side of a lance. You fell over backwards but were swept up before you could hit the ground. "You didn't honestly think we would leave without you did you brother dear?" You heard someone whisper before you passed out.


You woke up with your head... in someone's lap? "Did you enjoy your little nap Y/N?" Camilla smiled down at you and you shot upright "How many times have ai told you not tondo that anymore?!" Your face reddened invoulentarily. Truth be told you'd actually missed your older sister a lot. You'd missed all of your sibnlinghs but. You groaned and touched your eye. Yup it was pretty sore. "What in the blazes did Perri hit me with?" You mumbled to yourself and stood up. Leo looked over "I'll encourage you not to drop your books like that again." You sighed "Oh yeah I apologize for being kidnapped after finding out I'm not even related to my family." They all froze in place. Corrin turned her head to face you. "W-what are you talking aboit?" You may have missed your sibling but they had still left you for two years with no attempts to rescue him during that period of time. You left the room without another word and decided what you were going to do. Maybe write to Hinoka and apologize? No. Maybe if you just made the best of your life here? Urg!? Why was it you going through all this?! If you did one thing or the other someone you thought you were close to decided you hated them and returned the favor. What do I do?!

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