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By: bbgallagher


So Project Sparta has two parts, and chapters switch back and fourth, where it eventually ties in. 

Past: "As soon as Xander Whitt entered the Compound, he no longer existed. Alongside nine other adolescent prodigies, he would be forged into the US government's deadliest weapon - no matter the cost." ~Blurb.

Xander is someone you would consider, diffrent. He is recruited by the government and becomes part of Project Sparta. The project works to train 10 of the smartest teens in America into deadly weapons. But it isn't easy for them.

Present: Xander has been doing missions for the government, but gets interrupted. As a prodigy, he would only be assigned the most important cases. However, Agent 0 is someone special. Someone from his own team.

Clique [Not-Cliche]:

Not only is Project Sparta an extremely well planned and good book, the author also bases it across an important topic.

"How do we effectively stop terrorism without becoming terrorists ourselves?" ~Discussion Thread


Dear Xander,

You gave up your life so others would not have to. But why does it still feel like I'm giving mine up? "[You] sacrificed [your] freedom so that others may live theirs." (~Project Sparta) But honestly, what is freedom? Because despite the Bill of Rights oh so protecting our rights, do we actually have freedom? 

I don't think so. There are so many things that I want to say, but can't. Why? Because if you say the wrong thing then the government might start watching you. And people will start to look at you differently. I've been told that "If you don't have a good thing to say, then don't say anything." But then where is your freedom of speech?

I guess it is justifiable if you were to say that you give up your freedom for some perks. You were trained in espionage and get to know highly classified documents. But for the cost of being under surveillance the entire time. 

Am I giving up my time to learn and go to school? We are told to be grateful, but I feel like we aren't learning anything useful. At least you are doing something to make a difference. It is hard for me to convince myself that I can.

Now how about technology? Does that increase our freedom or decrease it. We can now be anonymous, thus escaping some consequences of our actions. Cameras now open everyones' eyes up to vital information such as police shootings. But at the same time, your actions are constantly being recorded and monitored.

I would ask you how it feels to be constantly monitored, but I feel like I already know. In a study that I watched about people had to have cameras in their houses for an entire year. They were really skeptical for the first few months, but soon got used to it. Are you used to someone constantly hovering over you? Despite living in a well developed world and seeing cameras everywhere, I'm not. And I don't think I ever want to be. 

Can there still be freedom when you are being watched and controlled? Well that is a contradicting question, since freedom is to be without "hinderance or restraint." 

But you still have something that is yours, right? I hope that one day I will find something that is truly mine too.

Story info:

54 Chapters ~ Completed

Sequel: Project Apollo, ongoing. 

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