9 [C] No Capes

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Title: No Capes

By: joecool123


In a city run by Superheros, Madeline manages to get the attention of a supposed Super Villain. As she continuously, coincidentally of course, makes contact with him, she learns that there are more secrets then what could be guessed. With the introduction of a long term crush, an old friend, family secrets and secret agenda, here is No Capes.

Clique [C]:

This is a cute story for ones that would like action and some well placed romantic scenes. Beware of plot twists and conflicting emotions, though. Honestly, if you would like to keep your sanity, stay away from the comments. 

Rant[Third Person Reading]:

One thing that I beyond hate is yelling at characters, through comments that the authors read, for their stupidity. Like, the characters are not going to listen to you, because *knock knock* the fourth wall.

Why did the chicken cross the road?


To get to the idiot's house. 

Knock knock.

Who's there?

The chicken.

And the thing is that these comments are beyond rude at times. Just because, you as a reader know things or were able to figure things out faster then a character, in no way does that make them stupid. For example, if told in third person there are details that may be mentioned but a character won't glance over them. In first person, thoughts are easily dismissed. 

Because honestly, how many of you readers, as people would remember a slip of words past a day. I certainly wouldn't.

Not to mention, basically the author is receiving all this hate. All caps, yelling "Ignorant Female Dog" isn't gonna move the plot on, nor allow the character to realize perhaps, they are a female. And a dog. 

Be respectful and ask yourself if you would want someone to say that to your characters, before commenting. 

Story info:

28 Chapters ~ Completed


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