Back To See The Doctor

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"Doctor Farling?" I felt paralyzed, I couldn't think, I can't move and I could barely breathe. I don't know what I am feeling. Shock I think?

"We have a lasic eye surgery that has been in the works for many years and as of last month we have successfully given a patient sight. I have clearing to get Erica in right away for surgery." The doctor said with a slight excitement in his voice and I was frozen in happiness now.

"She will be able to see again!" My head screamed with joy.

"That's- that's awesome! I'm sure she'll be excited to hear!" I was genuinely smiling just thinking about her being able to see again. I know how much she missed watching the sunsets and going on bike rides, most of all she missed her job at the offices.

"We have her scheduled for the first thing tomorrow morning, I'll explain the procedure and hopefully she'll get into the surgery." I nodded intensely to Doctor Farling's calm yet professionally excited voice.

"Alright, Doc, I'll let her know tonight. Is there anything that she needs to do before going in?" I asked remembering how the last few times she had to have her eyes and face covered with some kind of oil on. 

"Nope, she should be fine when she comes in. I look forward to her appointment bright and early tomorrow morning, make sure she gets a lot of sleep as well." His voice seemed to trail off as if he were writing something that is taking his attention away from the conversation at hand.

"Alright, bright and early," I repeated, "Thanks." He gave an affirmative grunt and hung up the phone. I jumped up and ran to Erica's room where she laid facing the wall, I breathed and knocked on the door before hearing a small 'huh' from over by her bed.

"Can I come in, Ri?" I asked leaning against the door frame, watching her shift slightly.

"Yeah sure." She sounded sad and tired, I hesitated to step in but eventually I did. As soon as my feet touched the carpet a roll of thunder echoed across the Bellevue sky in the direction of Seattle. I neared her bed slowly and sat down at the foot of it, fingering the patterns on the black and white comforter. I heard Erica take a deep breath and slowly release it, I sighed myself before getting ready to say something but I hesitated again. I didn't know how she would take it, I kind of wanted it to be a happy surprise.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked watching her body sit up, she crossed her legs in silence and stared in my general direction. She always kept her eyes covered or closed when she was around people but I could see a visible scar from under the wrap.

"I don't know," she admitted, "I'm just tired." Erica pulled her legs up to her stomach and placed her head gently on her knees. 

"I can leave if you wanted to go to sleep." I said getting ready to get up. 

"Not like that," she said shaking her head slightly, "I hate feeling the warmth of the sun instead of seeing its colors, I hate smelling your cologne instead of seeing your smile, I hate listening to videos instead of watching them." I nodded listening to the tears that audibly threatened to fall out of her covered eyes every time a word would leave her soft, pink lips. I remember when there used to be a smile always on her face, there was always a warm pink in her cheeks as she laughed and always a sparkle in her eye when she sees something that amazes her. I missed her crystal blue eyes and the way she always looked at me differently than she did with other people. I missed the way she would always blush whenever she caught me smiling at her. In all, I guess, I miss her.

"Doctor Farling called." I said breaking a silence that seemed to not end.

"What did he say?" Erica asked with anticipation.

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