Chapter Three

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I splurged on a taxi to get home from work faster, so I could have more time to get ready for Connor to pick me. Yet here it was 5:45 and I still hadn't settled on an outfit! I stared at myself in the mirror, my long dark hair twirled into perfect curling iron curls. My make up not too heavy but just the perfect amount to hide my flaws and make my eyes pop. My phone sang my ring tone and I glanced over to see a text from Connor "Hey! I'm on my way over, what's your apartment number?" Wow so forward, he was already inviting himself up to my apartment. How well did I truly know him? I wasn't a 100% sure that he wasn't a murderer yet! But instead I replied quickly "Hey, alright! I'm ready when you are, 3B". I went into hyper-speed mode, throwing on my favorite pair of ripped jeans and a maroon baseball tee. I was looking for my shoes when there was a knock at the door. I panicked, threw on my old Toms and grabbed my purse as the knock came again. I swung open the door to find total perfection. It was as if time slowed for a moment, Connor stood smiling flowers in hand, I felt butterflies explode in my stomach. He walked inside without saying a word, lifting his sunglasses up and looking around. He stopped in front of the collage picture frame that hung above my couch.

"These are fantastic! Where'd you get them?" He said climbing on the couch to get a better look, somewhat squashing the flowers in his hand.

"Well the frame was about $10 at Target, the photos are mine," I said shutting the door and moving over to the couch with a smile. Never before had someone appreciated my photographs before.

"These are truly wonderful, you're very talented!" he said turning to face me. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to just barge in! These are for you!" He said handing me the flowers.

"Aww thank you, white roses are my favorite, how did you know?" I said laughing.

"Well I didn't but know I do!" He said following me into the kitchen while I looked for a vase.

"Yeah this place is small but it's good for me," I said looking at my dirty dishes in the sink.

"Yeah I liked living here, it was just way too cramped with four messy guys!" he said watching my every move as I placed the vase of flowers on a table by the window. "So may we be on our way?"

"Yeah, let's head out!" I said, thankful that he hadn't commented on my fridge decorated with One Direction magnets.

"I think you're getting a new neighbor," Connor said pointing to the tower of boxes by the door next to mine.

"Hmm, I didn't know that apartment was open," I said following Connor to his car, where he stood holding the passenger door open. "Well thank you sir!"

"Anytime, my lady!" Connor laughed. I still didn't know what I was getting myself into with him, but at the same time I didn't want to think about it. I liked Connor and I was under the impression that he liked me too.

The car ride was full of small talk and music, Connor sang along to almost every song. I couldn't help but laugh, "Dont quit your day job!" I said laughing as we stepped out of the car in the drive way.

"Yeah, I'm not planning on that anytime soon!" I followed him inside a beatiful, typical Cali home. I couldn't help but feel jealous, everything looked so new and fancy compared to my damper apartment. As we moved closer to the living room, we heard a roar of laughter. My stomach twisted in knots, I was so nervous but yet at the same time felt at home with Connor by my side.

"Hey guys, this is Zoey!" Connor announced as we walked into a crowded living room. I looked around trying to take it all in. I couldn't help but notice all the girls in this room looked so much prettier than I. I tried not to let my self consciousness show, and let out a "Hey" while smiling. "Zoey this is Kian, Jc, and Ricky, they're my roommates. And that's Andrea, Kian's girlfriend. Our friend Sam in the corner. And our good friend Rebecca!"

"Nice to meet you all," I said softly. Looking around and noticing that not one of the people in that room seemed unfriendly, they all smiled and invited us into the conversation. This was the most warmth I had ever felt within a group of friends in my life. The laughter filled the room anytime anything was said and the night didn't have a dull moment that's for sure.

"Hey we're going to see Catching Fire again tonight at 9:15, you guys should totally come?" Kian yelled eyes widened.

"You should dude, Jenn and Tyler are meeting us there," Ricky added. I looked at Connor who was staring at me.

"Nahh guys, I think we're gonna hang back, maybe meet you guys after?" Connor said smiling at me.

"Alright suite yourself!" Kian screamed as everyone headed out for the movie. Part of me wanted to follow them, tell Connor we should go. I had never been so acceptable and comfortable before. But I didn't want to make Connor mad so I stayed put.

"I guess I should have asked you if you wanted to?" Connor said sounding concerned.

"Oh no, I don't care either way," I said smiling. It was nice that he realized this after everyone left.

"So a tour of the house is necessary!" Connor yelled, jumping out of his seat. "Hello my name is Connor Franta and I will be your tour guide for this evening, first we have the living room and adjoined kitchen, where we eat. Out those doors is the backyard/pool." I followed Connor like a lost puppy, half listening to what he was saying, and half taking everything in, this house was straight from IKEA and the Apple store, but so awesome. I was low key jealous of the fact that four boys got to live in such a pretty home. Before I realized we were heading upstairs. "There's Ricky's home and his rabbit, Kian's room which I'm sure is a disaster area, bathroom, Jc's room, and my rooms right here!" He said heading into his room. I admired his organization, everything was in it's place.

"So this is where the magic happens?" I asked partly joking but also curious.

"Oh yeah if by magic you mean absolutely nothing," he laughed plopping onto the bed. My stomach twisted into tighter knots as I sat next to him. He threw his arm around me and rested his hand on my shoulder. My heart was beating out of my chest. "Zoey, you're pretty amazing, ya know that?"

"Well you're not to bad yourself," I smiled, leaning back onto the bed, bringing Connor with me. We both simultaneously curled onto our sides and laid looking into each others eyes, and in that moment every care in the world I had about my future, my past, and my present went out the window. At that moment time slowed and nothing else mattered.

"Zoe, do you mind if I do something?" Connor said scouting slightly closer.

"Depends on what something means," I said scouting slightly closer to him. I felt at home with him and I hadn't had this feeling of home my entire life. I watched as Connor reached over pushing a few loose curls behind my ear and staring into my eyes, he scouted closer but not breaking eye contact. My heart beated faster, my palms got sweaty, and it felt as if my brain turned to mush.

"I like you Zoey, you know that right?" Connor whispered scouting in closer.

"Well I do now," I said panicking. I hadn't planned for this. "I like you too," it slipped out, and I was hooked. He smiled so warmly I could feel it in my heart. At that very moment, time stopped, we both leaned into each other and became one. I felt the warmth of his soft lips pressed against mine, everything moved in slow motion. We stopped and I couldn't help but smile when I looked in Connor's eyes, they lit up with passion the same way they had the day before.

"Do you like frozen yogurt?" he said sitting up leaving me wanting more.

"Yes?" I said confused, sitting up.

"Com'on!" He said smiling and grabbing my hand leading us out the door.

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