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"Hey, you wanna sing with me, we are actually having an open mic night tonight and I was hoping if I could have an accomplice with me." asked Shawn with a wide grin on his face.

"Of course!" I exclaimed without thinking too much.


Me: When is it?
Shawn: Oh, its at 8. ;)
Me: yh yh I'll be there no problem :)
I felt as though I was dying on the inside. He seemed happy almost too happy. I hadn't seen him grin that much since the last time he was in a relationship with her, well they've broken up now so yeah, I'm not bothered about it and I never was.

When your crush basically asks you out indirectly, you should be the first to take the hint. Seeing him smile straight at me, it honestly made me blush. I think he had noticed as he actually just giggled directly to me and whispered "See you around, Lia."

I knew he heard me sing before but I didn't know he thought I was any good. And now he actually KNOWS my name. What is this? Sorcery?

Hours went by, and all I thought about what he would say, and what I would say as a reply. Unusually stressful.
I decided, instead of using time unproductively, to grab a drink before class. On my way there and I spot Shawn who looks directly at me, eye to eye. Normally I would have had to say hi in order for him to notice me. Strangely, he noticed me first.

Shawn:umm, where are you going??
Me: oh hey just to grab a drink,why?
Shawn:really I was actually going to give you one, here take it. It's coke don't worry its diet and no you don't have to pay me back.
Me:you didn't have to really.
Shawn:no its cool.
He handed the can over to me. I felt the warmth from his hand onto mine and I got goosebumps but thank god I hand a long sleeve top on so he didn't notice. We exchange glances and both realise this is very awkward.
So to break up the silence he just says "well yh I need to get to class too so yh.... Bye see you tonight."
__ ^^
We depart for class and before I know it school is over and I'm choosing an outfit for the mic night, NOT. The build up to this moment was killing me. I counted the minutes no the seconds that went by after each class,each step I took and each stop that went by on the bus and finally the time came that I could get ready.

So in the shower I used my best smelling body wash, shampoo and did whatever you know you do in the shower....

Once that was done I took an hour choosing my clothes and don't get me started on the level of section I had. It was either my best or my worst. He's seen all the other clothes before in school if he noticed. It was like a peach coloured dress that was half sleeved that went up to my knees. My legs were shaved so that hastle was done now all I had to do was my make up and put my shoes and grab my bag and off we go,oh and also the hair.

I tried like a gazillion makeup techniques and none of them were working. It was like half past 7 and shawn was going to pick me up in 15 minutes. he offered to take me there too, could this day get any better. In a rush a just used a light coverage foundation with hint of blusher and lip gloss and 1 coat of mascara. My hair was already straightened to i kept it open, with the aid of a few bobby pins of course.
Compared to all his other girlfriends this was the most plain girl he'd ever seen and I'm not kidding. I got my 1 inch heels and my black bag I took every where and sat down in wait for shawn.


I open the door and see him standing with a bouquet of the most beautiful red flowers I had ever seen in my life. It was so intricately organised, I was shocked. I mean why would he get me flowers it wasn't a date or anything. Was it?

I'm lost for words and he before he offers me his arm and says "shall we."
"Yes we may" I reply as he escorts me to his car. Whilst he was driving he kept on staring at me and just smiling as if in a daze. When finally he decides to speak and says " Hey lia, I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend."He exclaimed.
Before I could reply he gently presses his soft lips against mine and..........


My alarm went off and I realise that I had just awoken from the most beautiful dream ever. Of course it was a dream..

The Dream [ Lia x Shawn ]Where stories live. Discover now