SHAWN.....(The New Kid)

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It was an average day at school, mrs myers my music teacher was about to make an announcement.

"so boys and girls today a new student will be joining our class his name is shawn, i want you all to make him feel very welcome and as one of our own, shawn come on in."

As she said that the most hot guy in the whole universe walked through the door. A big shy smile plastered across his face showing his pearly white, straight teeth. I couldn't help but to awe at his perfect complexion.

I now noticed he was smirking at me causing me to blush.

"right shawn we're going to have you sit next to lia, okay, i'm afraid there are no other spare seats." she said grinning at shawn.

"oh no mrs myers, i'm cool with that i don't mind." As much a i tried to hold it in i was legit freaking the hell out, be calm lia,be calm.

He reached his hand out towards me smiling gorgeously, "Hey, i'm shawn, nice to meet you."

I nervously shook his hand."hey, i'm lia, you're going to love it here, it just might take some time for you to settle in here but i'm sure you'll make friends quickly."

"In the meantime lia would you mind showing me around if you don't mind just so that i don't get lost."

"No of course not,"


So i was really nervous about my first day of school but it actually went good. I was sat down next to this really pretty girl and now i guess we're friends. She's even going to show me around. Her name is lia. Everything about her is just so perfect, the way she talks and laughs makes her look so cute. I'm so glad mrs myers sat me next to her. Before class started i saw her. Mrs myers noticed me eyeing her awkwardly so kindly she said that i could sit next to her.

I hope i'm not getting ahead of myself but i think lia might like me. Possibly. She kept on blushing each time we talked and giggled at each of my pathetic jokes i tried on girls i fancied.

With lia, it's different though. I don't think i just fancy her, it might actually be love at first sight.

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