Chapter 3 The cookies almost kiss

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 -Gaara’s P.O.V-

I was in my room staring out the balcony window. I couldn’t sleep.

Even though I was free of the one tail I could never sleep right.

I guess old habits die hard.

I stood up and walked out to the balcony, shutting the door behind me I jumped on the railing. I was about to jump up on the roof when I saw the mystery ninja known as Calienia sleeping on her balcony.

She must have a room next to mine, but why was she sleeping outside? I thought as I jumped from my balcony to hers.

I kneeled down by her and touched her arm gently and felt how cold she was. I looked into her room through the glass door and saw her cat stretched out over the bed.

I carefully picked up the mystery girl and jumped back onto my balcony.

I opened the sliding glass door and set her on my bed. I couldn’t sleep anyways and if I got tired I could always sleep on the couch.

I covered her with the blanket and walked back out onto the balcony. I shut the glass door behind me so she wouldn’t get cold and then jumped up on the roof.

-Calienia’s P.O.V. –

I sat in a giant valley filled with flowers of all colors and sizes. I wore a white dress that went passed my knees a little. My hair was down and blowing in the breeze, the sun shining down on my ocean blue eyes. I was in my old village in the land of mystery.

I was picking flowers as I sat on my legs.

“Calienia! Calienia!” My younger sister called as she raced out to me.

I turned around and saw Ankara with a small blue sundress on. She smiled and waved to me as she was running.

I stood up and smiled, I tried to say something but I couldn’t.

My eyes widened.

Why couldn’t I speak?

I looked back at Ankara and saw what looked like a giant bird flying up behind her.

I dropped the flowers I had picked and tried to scream out at Ankara to move, to run!

Tears drizzled down my face as I tried running to Ankara.

I was running in place and my voice had no sound.

The bird blew up behind her, killing my sister as my tears and screams made no sound.

“Ankara!” I screamed as I quickly sat up.

I looked around the room and sighed of relief.

It was just a dream.

I put my hand on my chest and started breathing deeply with my eyes closed.

As soon as my heart slowed down I opened my eyes and took another look around the room.

This wasn’t my room.

I thought for a moment and remembered falling asleep on the balcony.

I stood up and felt a bit of pain in my right shoulder. I grabbed at it as I stumbled and fell back on the bed. I looked at my sleeve and saw blood; it even went down my arm.

I reached behind me and grabbed my hair; I pulled it over my left shoulder and saw I still had my blade in.

I’m going to kill whoever laid me down with my blade still in!

I jumped up from the flat bed and stepped out of the room still holding my shoulder. I looked down both ends of the hallway before entering the bathroom.

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