Chapter 10 Hospital of Hell

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 ok so I spent the whole day trying to write for this and I even got up early even though its a weekend so I'm really tired right now

-_- Anyways I hope you like it and to the side over there


is what Gaara was wearing and also the picture I drew of Calienia! ^_^ I originally drew it then I brought it to life with paint as you can see in the slideshow.

Also I wrote as much as I could so hopefully its enough to last for the week and who knows maybe sooner.


-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I woke up from a dreamless sleep and carefully sat up. My body instantly tensed as pain shot through every corner.

It’s amazing how much effect the heart has on the body. I thought as I heard a knock on the door.

“C-come in.” I said in a dry quiet voice.

The door opened and a nurse with short brown hair walked in.

“Good morning Miss Moonsilver. How are you feeling today?” She asked with a welcoming smile shutting the door behind her.

“I’m fine but my body’s a bit sore.”

“You should lay back down and I’ll get you something to ease the pain in a second.”

I nodded and laid down carefully feeling more pain in my arms where there were thousands of needles and tubes attached. The nurse set down her clip board and picked up a flashlight shining it in my eyes.

“Now follow the light with your eyes.”

I did as she said and kept my eyes focused on the light.

“Ok your vision seems to be normal. Where does it hurt the most?” The nurse said writing something down on her clip board

“Well I guess my arms; I’ve never had so many things attached to my body before. Also my heart is a bit sore but that’s normal right?” I asked and the girl nodded.

“You most likely had a heart attack but the effect was so massive your heart actually began bleeding. You’re very lucky to have survived. One minute too late and you would have been soaring with the clouds.”

I nodded.

“How’s Suzu? Is she ok?”

“The ninja cat? She’ll be fine, just a few scratches really. It wasn’t all that hard to heal her.”

“That’s good, I’m so glad.” I said smiling and the nurse smiled back.

I closed my eyes and leaned into the pillow smiling.

“Cause when we get out of here, I’m going to give her a REAL reason to visit the hospital.” I said and the nurse sweat dropped.

“Well I’ll just get rid of your pain and leave you to rest then.” The nurse said doing some hand signs and a green aura light surrounded her hands. She placed both her hands on top of each other on my chest over where my heart was.

I sighed as I felt the pain relieve from my body.

“Thank you.”

“No problem, it’s what I do.” The nurse said grabbing the clip board and leaving.

About a minute later I heard another knock on the door.

“Come in.” I said a bit louder than the last time I said it.

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