Chapter 6 Day 1 in Suna

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-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I followed Anna to the Kazekage mansion. Apparently now that they have all the information on me that they need (thanks to the leaf village) I’m to report to the Kazekage every day until they figure out what to do with me.

It turns out that the remaining information they were going to get from me was already in a secret folder here at the village.

I guess they truly haven’t forgotten about my people, maybe these sand village ninja aren’t traders after all.

We walked up the staircase and entered the Kazekage’s office.

For some reason I was nervous of seeing Gaara again, I mean I already knew he was the Kazekage before we got here but now that we’re in the village I’m afraid what might happen if I disobey him again.

Oh well, what’s the worst that could happen?

“Gaara I brought Calienia here as promised.” Anna said holding the door open for me.

“Thank you, you are excused.” Gaara said politely as Anna turned and left.

I shut the door behind me and took a look around and spotted a couch against the wall.

I guess he didn’t want me to sit on his desk again; I admit it is a little distracting even for me it was weird, but there was no way I was going to stand or sit on the floor. Who knows how many ninja have walked around on it.

Yuck! My white skirt would turn grey!

I walked over and sat on the couch before looking up at Gaara who was going through paper work.

Gaara caught my eye and put the papers down.

“What is it?”

“Do you expect me to sit here all day while you do paper work? I’m board.” I said crossing my arms and legs and leaning back on the couch.

“The idea we have right now is to have you remain in here with me every day until we figure out our next move.” Gaara said signing some more papers.

“So you expect me to do nothing?! I don’t want to sit here every day!” I said standing.

“Maybe if you were more obedient on the way here you would be able to explore the village like your friend Suzu.”

“So what you’re grounding me?” I said tightening my fists.

“You could call it that, yes.”

I was so angry I thought I had steam coming out of my ears.

“Hmph!” I said plopping on the couch crossing my arms and legs with my nose in the air and my eyes closed.

Suzu has all the luck, while she’s back at Anna’s place sleeping. I’m stuck here doing nothing.

I took a deep breath and sunk into the couch. I started daydreaming about Shinpi and all the beautiful flowers there.

Just like the leaf village is called Konoha and the sand village is called Suna. The mystery village is called Shinpi, or at least it was anyway.

The mystery country was a pretty good size that connected to the earth country slightly. Of Corse the earth ninja didn’t know about it. The biggest mystery of our entire country was that it was hidden. How the three tails and the Akatsuki found our village was a mystery I didn’t know.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door bringing me back to reality.

“Who is it?” Gaara called out.

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