Chapter 20-final The arrival

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*9 months later* (November 7th)

-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I was sitting on the couch with Anna while Kankuro made some tea.

Not a lot has changed over the months that have gone by. Everyone’s still the same really; accept Anna and Temari whose bellies keep getting bigger. My roof in my apartment was fixed now so I moved back in there, but that was quite awhile ago. Another thing was me and Gaara, well we haven’t exactly changed. Although sometimes after every two to three months or sometimes longer, Gaara would cut off all contact with everyone but his siblings and just vanish. I never asked him about it cause I thought it might start a fight.

‘What is he hiding anyway?’

“Calienia, you’re daydreaming again.” Anna said with a giggle.

“Oh sorry.” I said realizing this was the third time I just spaced out worrying about something.

That seemed to be a new change for me.

Kankuro came back with the tea and set the tray on the coffee table before sitting next to Anna.

“I still don’t see why I had to get it.” Kankuro said irritated.

“Because I’m your guest and Anna’s near labor.” I said taking a sip of my tea.

“Yeah yeah whatever-

“AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!” Anna yelled cutting Kankuro off.

“Hey babe it’s ok I don’t mind getting it!”

“You idiot! She’s going into labor!” I yelled and jumped to my feet while setting my tea down.

I helped Anna up from the couch and she let out another scream while Kankuro paced around the house wondering what to do.

“Kankuro!” I yelled.


“Grab Anna’s shoes and the emergency bag!”

“What emergency bag?!”

“The one in the closet of the nursery that has a picture of your head on a turtle’s body! Me and Temari put it together for something like this.”

Anna let out another scream.

“Kankuro hurry your ass up!” Anna screamed and Kankuro stared at Anna in shock before he dashed for the nursery.

I quickly put my shoes on and led Anna out the door with Kankuro following behind us. Once Kankuro caught up I took the bag from him and took Anna’s shoes. I helped Anna get them on and Kankuro then continued to lead her to the hospital while I made hand signs.

I concentrated my chakra to the palms of my hands and did little twirls and spins while water shot out of my hands and turned into a shark like motorcycle. I got on and moved my hand over one side of my head over my eyes to the other creating glasses out of water.

I raced ahead and made the what I call ‘Sharkacycle’ bigger and Anna and Kankuro got on. I made them water glasses and raced ahead while getting out my phone. I called Temari up and she called everyone else. We finally made it to the hospital and Gaara was the first one there.

Two girl doctors came out with a stretcher and helped Anna on it. Kankuro got off the Sharkacycle and raced over to Anna and held her hand while they raced into one of the rooms.

I sighed of relief and slid off the Sharkacycle. I undid the jutsu and the water fell and evaporated instantly. I walked into the hospital with Gaara and we sat in the waiting room.

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