Chapter 19 A date on the beach

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-Calienia’s P.O.V.-

I woke up from the best sleep I ever had.

Since my apartment roof was destroyed in my bedroom Gaara was concerned. So I ended up sleeping in his guest bedroom. Temari lived with Gaara until she could find a place of her own…scratch that, until she could find a place she actually liked. Temari was a bit picky. So I couldn’t stay with her…well I am but…anyways, I also couldn’t stay with Anna cause she was on her honeymoon. I couldn’t ask her.

Gaara was my last and only choice. It was only for a few days but I didn’t mind.

I turned over and closed my eyes while smiling. The bed was comfy and warm. I pulled the blanket just over my nose and snuggled into it. My arm was on top of the blanket hugging it.

‘I’m in heaven!’ I thought and breathed deeply, taking in the different scents of the room.

I heard a knocking on the door and groaned slightly.

“Calienia, are you awake?” I heard Temari say.

“No, go away.”

“Your breakfast will get cold.”

“I’ll live, there’s always lunch.” I said still sleepily.

I heard Temari walk away from the door and smiled in victory. I heard another knock at the door and my smile faded.

“Five more minutes Temari.” I said and turned over coving my head with the blanket.

I heard the door open and someone sat on the bed.

“Temari I said five more minutes, I’m not even that hungry.”

I heard a deep chuckle and turned around pulling the blanket down to show half of my face. Gaara was sitting there and smiling and I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

“Gaara? Did you need something?” I asked sleepily.

“I just wanted to see you.” Gaara said and I smiled. “I actually took the day off today.”

“Why did you do that?”

“Well we’re together now so I thought we could do something together.”

My smile grew bigger.

“Sure, what did you have in mind?” I asked happily.

Gaara smiled.

“Meet me outside and you’ll find out.” Gaara said and stood up.

Gaara left and I quickly got up and got dressed. I put on a light pink long sleeve blouse and a white skirt. I decided to leave my hair down and walked out the door. I sat down and put on my blue ninja shoes before I got up and went outside.  

“Ready?” Gaara asked and I nodded.

Gaara was wearing his average black long sleeve shirt and black pants with his black ninja shoes.

I giggled as I walked beside him.

“What’s so funny?” Gaara asked with a smile.

“Your gonna roast to death, you know that right? Heat soaks into black clothing.”

“Well with all the wind that blows around here I think I’ll be fine.”

“So where are we going anyway?” I asked looking around.

Gaara smiled and chuckled slightly before stopping.

“Close your eyes.”

I looked at Gaara confused for a second before closing my eyes. He tied something over my eyes and picked me up.

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