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(Y/n) POV

"So what do we do...now that we are here?"Nicole said.

"Well if you waited we could of had gotten a rope and climbed back up" Mia said fixing her glasses.

"Well atleast we found (Y/n)!" Victoria said.

"No we didn't, we got lost with her. Now people will think we are lost...and we are" Daniel said.

"Guys, guys its going to be fine!" Akayla said.

"Siigh, I don't have a great feeling about this" Raven said.

"GUY!" I yelled, everyone lokked at me. "We are going to be fine, we just need to find the exit without monsters finding us!!!"

"Wait there are actual monsters here?!"

Sorry for the really really short chapter but I'm really ill....sick.....and have a runny nose......so I will have a lot of time to write :3. Omg my everything hurts :'( but for you guys everything!)

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