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#10 finally immaright (also I kind of forgot it was tuesday so sorry for the late update.)

Raven and Nicole up 'dere

(Y/n) POV

I wake up tucked in, in the corner of my cell. Slowly getting up and dragging my self to the bed. Nobody was awake yet. I hear footsteps coming down the hallway and the lights turn on, Gaster's here. 

He makes his way to my cell and opens it. Hitting the door with his foot, making aloud sounds he says "Get up Determination. I need to make some studies today." he was looking directly at me, he seemed to be containing a smirk back. 

I do as I am told, to not anger Gaster. We walk down the hallway into the lab and I sit down on the cold metal bed. Gaster summons my soul and places it in a clamp, it holds my soul tightly and my body is unable to move any longer, at least not willingly. 

"Perhaps I just need a more simple approach" Gaster mutters to himself his floating hands taking notes of his movements. He gentle places a pipet between one of the cracks in my soul and extracts a liquid from it, dropping the liquid it in a boiling flask and placing it under a burner. "This process is called distillation" he unclasps my soul "Through this process I will extract the determination from this liquid."

He signals for me to follow him, "I thought my soul was pure determination all ready, wouldn't the liquid you extracted from my soul be determination in a liquid for, or whatever." I say following him out of the lab. 

Gaster looks down at me and sighs "You're soul has been corrupting, so that determination is mixing with spite, though it does not over come it." he looks back at the hallway as we walk "yet." he frowns. 

I somewhat feel bad for the scientist, or a better way to rephrase it, I feel bad that the monster are locked down here and that it has come to this for their freedom. 

"And even if your soul wasn't corrupting, I'd still have to do the same process. See you're not only determination, you have many other traits, determination is just your defining trait." he says finally arriving back at my cell.

I walk in my cell and lay back down on my bed as Gaster locks the door. I hear him walk over to another cage wake the person there. He did the same process with them like he did with me, clamped their soul and extracted a bit of its liquid. He did it to all except the skelebros, for obvious reasons. 


its around mid day and Gaster is left us to do our chores, I was cooking today. 'What should I make for lunch?' I pondered on my way to the kitchen. I sigh 'what will I make for dinner?'  i think face palming. 

Upon arriving at the kitchen I find materials to make mashed potates, frozen pop corn chicken and some cans, and I take some cheese because it always makes things better. (sorry if you don't like cheese or are lactose intolerant, it's a fanfic so shh) I plop the frozen popcorn chicken in a convenient air fryer, since boiling oil is considered too dangerous. I start making the mashed potatoes and review the can contents, I grab corn and gravy. I make 9 bowls of mashes potatoes with corn, gravy, popcorn chicken and cheesy. 

Walking back to the cells I deliver everyone their plates, everyone saying their thanks

"Wowie, thanks (y/n)" Papyrus tries to whisper but since his normal voice is more of a yell, his whisper in more of a normal pitch.

"Thanks kiddo" says sans.

"Yas, thank you" says Nicole

"this looks delicious, this means there is a mess in the kitchen" Raven says with a chuckle, I giggle at her and nod, she was in kitchen cleaning duty today. 

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