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Looking around the cell you started to feel loneliness creep inside of your head. You were alone with your thoughts. 'That traitor...' the cell room lights were low making the room look gloomy and shady. 'That small traitor will pay...one way or another.' in a distance a loud noise startled you. Trying to be as sneaky as you could you slowly make your way over to the door. Peeping your head through the two shock rays you see the king. King Asgore walking  by he had dropped something he also seemed startled as he picked it up slowly and with the less noice he could make possible. Looking forward he notices you starring at him, you quickly run to the corner of the cell room and fake to be asleep. Asgore walks over to your cell room and looks over to your small body. It's been a whole year since you've been stock in the cell. He always walks through once a week or twice to check how each one of us is doing. 'Don't you have something better to do.' you thought shifting around and peeking at him with one eye. He kneels down and places something in front of the cell door and pushes it through the shock barrier. He then stands up and walks over to the cell in your left and does the same thing. You hesitate to move but curiosity tickles your brain and so you stand up and walk over to it. It was a small cupcake with a cup of tea next to it. The cupcake and cup were decorated of pink and red hearts. A small note was left too. You kindly picked it up and read it.

'I wish you a very Happy Valentine's small one, I was thinking maybe today I could give you a small surprise but you have to behave for it to become true. I think you would like it very much' a small heart was drawn in the corner along with Asgore's sign.

You poke the cupcake and look at weirdly. You weren't going to eat after all the time they've tricked you into eating drugged things, but all of does times it was the Professor Gaster not Asgore. Perhaps he might just have done it to be kind....and it's Valentine's day? Already?' small sobs were heard from the front right cell.

"My ship won't sail..." You hear in the corner along with a sad moan and more sobs, you look over and see Nicole crying stuffing the cupcake on her mouth. Cake frosting all over her face. 'Oh god...atleast I got a cell in front of hers' you laugh slightly. Nicole still was as cheerful as ever she has been become more happy as time passed, I think she met someone down here that might be giving her hope and a lot of it. That hope kind of reflects off her and bounces to us. Hearing her laugh and joke around when no one is around is quite a mood settling in, a comfortable mood. Victoria is still in the cell next to mine and constantly joins Nicole's jokes, 'so kind'.

Raven was on the other cage looking at the cupcake as she drank the tea "I haven't had tea in so long~" she said hugging the cup.

The next cell to the left was Mia. "Don't drink that you don't know if it's poison! Or well drugged in general!" Mia yelled her voice a bit raspy.

"I think you might need it." Said Akaylah, you couldn't see her but she sound far to the left.

"I drank mine and I feel totally fine, everyone can go ahead and drink theirs" said Daniel, he sounded far to the right.

"Did you guys get a note with your tea and cupcake?" You said sipping a bit of your coffee.

One after the other they declined having received a note along with the cup of coffee and cake.

"Why? did you get one?" Asked Raven running over to the corner of the cell to look over at you.

"What does it say?" Said Nicole running to the corner of her cell room to look at you also.

"Is it a death threats?" Mia said non excited.

"No, no. It says something about a surprise if I behave good." You said slightly tilting your face to the side.

~2 Hours Later~

Asgore's POV

I took the humans out of their cells after an hour or two, thought they could have fun out in the garden. Gaster finally gave me permission to do so, thinks they might run away and escape since we are so close to the barrier but I just can't bare to think 7 small humans stuck on a small room is healthy. I lead the way to my garden so they could play. No other monsters were around so it was safe.

"Alright, enjoy your time out. If you wish to have some tea I'll be right about here." I point to a small bench near. They seemed shy and one of them did not really trust it so she sat right were she was with her arms crossed, that is perseverance.

One of the seven souls

Bravery ran off and played as she threw flowers in the air.

Kindness followed bravery but kind petted each flower that bravery stepped on.

Integrity started to dance around with happiness, but hanged around alone.

Patience hangout with justice and while he guarded and made sure I wouldn't hurt anyone.

And the last one....the most rarest but soul but the one I love and respect the most. Determination. She sat down, on the bench that I had pointed at. Guess she wanted more coffee, can't argue I make a pretty good coffee after all.

I comfortably smile at her as I sit down next to her "Wish to have more coffee?" I had a small backpack with coffee on my back, I turn over to get it and get two coffee pots out along with the coffee thermo holder and pout some for me along with some for her. She doesn't reply but still grabs the coffee cup from my hand.



I will also shout out all the people that I have to shout out too and all does sorts of stuff.
Love ya guys!!!

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