Irregular Servitude

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Dialogue prompt: not going to say because it'll ruin it. It's the last sentence by the way.

At a door in the neighborhood of Penniclousule, a male stood. It was the year 1849 when Penniclousule held prestigious white families in big furnished houses. The doorbell rang at four in the evening--which was little early for couples to prance about but not for the mistress who lived there. She was always one to go beyond the normality of the time.

“Hey, Vallorie,” the young maiden called out to the little disheveled child. “You see that male outside? Well I need you to distract him while I put on my make-up.”

The young child glanced at the door, hiding a nervous gulp before her mistress. Each male always brought forth a spiteful energy from the maiden. The different gender boasted about their adventures then sought out a fair maiden to divulge upon. It repulsed the young being.

With careful steps, she went up to the man. He smiled gently at her from above. “Don’t you look cute, little one,” his voice was heavy with alcohol.

She clenched her jaw, annoyed at how he mentioned her physical characteristics. All of them did at some point before the mistress waltzed out. Her master could her everything through the door and liked how they gushed over the servant’s beauty. They both acquired flowing brown hair with astonishing baby blue eyes. Their long eyelashes accentuated their almond faces of perfection. You could even begin to see the curves on the servant that matched her mistress.

All the males who have waited on that porch conceived the idea that complementing the little child would earn them points. She wondered why the men would stoop that low. Thoughts roamed her brain as the man went on and on about where he was going to take her mistress. He was going to start out with a playful attitude then bring the date slowly into a romantic mood. This male wasn’t going to stay with the maiden very long. Soon, there’ll be another hopeful perching on this porch waiting for the invitation to ask for marriage.

“Vallorie, come here please,” she only mentioned please when someone was around. The servant shuffled towards her after closing the door. Mistress always wanted the door closed when giving instructions. “Make sure the house is swept, dusted, every dish cleaned, my bedroom spotless, and then begin working on tomorrow’s breakfast. Don’t forget about the five blankets that need to be done by tomorrow. You’ll be whipped for disobedience,” the punishment was always handed out last so it was easy to remember.

The little girl bent, knowing not to look her in the eyes, “as you wish, sister.”

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