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"Haruki, come on!" I exclaim irritated. He was dazing off staring at the "beautiful" scenery around us.

"Alright alright fine..." he growled before running up beside me.

"We can't be late! This is going to be the first day at the academy for us and if we are late that would give us a bad reputation!" I tell him poking him in his rib cage.

"Okay you're right. I can't put a bad reputation on my clan already," Haruki huffs giving me a look. We walked on the dirt path leading up to the huge building that stood not far away. I picked up the pace, which soon broke into a jog. Haruki followed right behind me. Once we got to the entrance I examined it. I smiled excitedly before pushing in, the doors creaked open into the main hall. There were a few benches scattered throughout the room, glass encasings as swords displayed throughout the hall. I saw a few students chatting, carrying their textbooks to their class talking about their previous year attending at this academy. The halls may not have been very colorful,  but they suited me well enough. A few decorations and awards were displayed in the halls every so often to take away some of the weak pain job.
We head down the halls mentally taking notes on room numbers and special rooms. It doesn't take us long to figure out where our class room hid.

"Well, here we are," Haruki huffed examining the room number.

"Yup!" I exclaimed, reaching out to take the door handle. I pull the lever like handle down and pull open the door, allowing Haruki to enter first as I followed right behind. The classroom was almost full. Most of the students already set up for class. I scan the room to see a few windows set on the scenery of the wall of another part of the building a few feet away. The classroom had creaky desks and squeaky chairs that made a sound if you ever shuffled in your seat. The instructor stood in the front of the room, his back resting against a giant chalk board with the letters "M R . F R Y". He looked pretty menacing, though his relaxed position hinted otherwise, as faint music could be heard from a not far away music room.

I took a seat near the front of the room and Haruki took a spot next to me. After a few more minutes a couple of other students filled into the room, every desk was taken now. Mr.Fry got up off the bored and sat down on the stool he had set in front of the class.

"Well hello there everyone," He says with a grin gazing over the whole class, making eye contact with almost every student.

"Welcome to my class, now, I will cut down straight to the bone about the rules," He instantly got up and pulled a golf club out from behind his desk that was placed in the corner of the room. He swung it up over his shoulder and walked back to the front of the class.

"Fear is going to be running this class," he says sharply bringing his golf club down onto the ground making a loud clang noise. "I'm not one going to be sitting here giving you a huge list of rules, I want you all to know, every word I say is a bit of wisdom."

I look down at my desk unamused. Great, I'm stuck with a guy like this for a year. I take a recap of the room while he talks about how he's going to teach the class, and some basic lessons we're going to go over before it starts. He had a shelf with papers stacked in it, a shirt hanging from it says "All Love is Equal" with symbols for the genders, male and male, female and female, and in the center the usual male and female. Another sign posted not far off saying, "No Racism". So he's that kind of guy, strict and intelligent but still open minded.

"Alright class, I think we get the gist so, lets begin our first lesson," He announces getting up and writing on the chalkboard.

_ _ _

Haruki and I traveled to every one of our classes together. His parents must've talked to the school board to let us do so. Scare them into surrendering with their high power, from being "Nobles" I suppose. Every class was long and boring, introducing what it's going to be about. Though the most interesting for me was sword bonding, or possibly joining choir... I hope Haruki wouldn't mind. No... Choir is too embarrassing. I shuffled uncomfortable and nearly dropped my papers on the ground, Haruki, who was walking next to me looked over at me concerned.

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