Addiction Ch.7_

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"Hinaka pass it over here," Charles groggily said leaning over the bar's counter looking down at me.

"Yea yea yea ol' man," I grumble sliding a beer down to him. I've probably had more than enough empty bottles around me, I couldn't remember how many I drank that evening but it was enough that I could barely stand. Freedom is a nice way to put it. Out drinking doing what ever a guy wanted to do. For gods sake if I wanted to I could've gone to the dirtiest shambles in town. I could list all the shit I thought about doing but I just went to the same bar, every night, and got wasted as hell. I could hold a gallon if I wanted to, I had a stomach of steel.

"Hey Charles..." I drawled looking over at him.

"Yea dude?" He replied looking back over at me.

"Nice shirt," I commented for no particular reason.

"Thanksssssss," Charles grinned taking another swig of beer. Ughhhhh... I'm so tired Gurifin....


You're right...

I get up off the stool, my vision continuously blurred in and out. I stumbled my way to the door and managed to push it open. I wobbled down the alleyway and found a small ladder. I managed to climb up it and make it to the roof of a building. My energy drained as I crumpled on top of its roof and slowly drifted off into a deep slumber.

_ _ _

"I love you..." I mumbled my hands reaching out touching the long black silky hair, my fingers tangle in the long strands. It felt so soft... I never knew it would be like this.


"WHATTTTT?!" I yelled my head popping up, realty hitting me in the face. I shake my head furiously trying to wake myself up.


"I don't know! I don't know!" I exclaimed, closing my hands into fists squeezing my eyes shut.


"It has to have been..." I grumbled looking around me, I'm on a roof. That's where I passed out last night, I knew that.


"Must've been the beer..." I mutter before laying back down. It's only been a few weeks, but life has been better. I got myself a small group of friends, all crazy bastards with drinking problems. That doesn't bother me though. The noble jerk and his group of friends haven't caught me yet so I'm on the good side so far. I pull myself up onto my feet, stumbling forward a bit. Hangover...

I make my way off the roof and look down the dark alleyways, the sun has barely risen over the horizon. I shrug and make my way out of the alleyway onto the streets, a few people now and then could be seen walking down the blocks on their way to an early morning job. All of a sudden I hear a small buzz from my jacket's pocket. My cell phone...?! I blocked all my contacts and removed the tracker system... I take it out and look down at it. An Unseen... A bright pink dot marked its spot on the mini map.


I only nodded before breaking into a sprint, I knew these streets like the back of my hand, no wait, I owned these streets. Everyone knew this white haired, short freak of nature. I bolted down the blocks before there it stood. An Unseen, its hideous form towered above me. It mimicked roaring but no sound came out. I unsheathed my sword and charged at the beast, though my head began to pound as the effects of the hangover came against me. I snarled and raised my sword over my head and ran it down , slashing the Unseen across its chest. Blood gurgled from its mouth, it swung its big bulky arm at me. I rolled back avoiding the clumsy attack and swung my sword down into its arm. I growled and pushed through, completely severing the Unseen's arm off. It stumbled back, agony and anger plastered on its ugly face. I charged again, plunging my sword into its stomach, leaning myself to the side so no blood would splatter over my clothing. Only a few droplets landed on me and onto the spikes of my spiked collar I wore around my neck. The beast fell back against the cold pavement of the road and it quickly shattered into a million dark red particles. Dead...

I twisted around and bolted away as quickly as I could, not wanting to get caught after killing the beast and removing it from the radar. I returned back to the alleyway, and by the time I got there I was panting. The blood that covered my sword still laid there. I furrowed my brow and pulled out a small rag cleaning off the blood before putting my sword back into its sheath. I then tossed the rag aside onto the ground not caring. I strolled down the long dark alleyway, turning into the bar I return to everyday.

"Wow, still here?" I chuckled looking over at Charles, who was passed out on the bar's counter. I make my way over to a stool next to him, though I don't bother to wake him up. The bar tender made his way over to me and gave a warm smile.

"Hello Skull," the bartender greeted me. "Back again I see."

"Yup, no where else to spend my time. The owner of this place has it good here. It's not bad, theres a dance floor and even karaoke nights. Though some nights your ears could split trying to listen to some drunk asses sing," I chuckled.

"You know, this bar is just like a normal day diner if you think about it. People come and go so often, at any time. My god, we're open 24/7. And now having some academy rouge like you has brought even more folks around. It's not everyday you get to see some guy being able to walk around freely with some gnarly out of place weapon."

"Heh, that's true. I'm some freak of nature too. Stick out like a sore thumb with this crazy white hair and being so short."

"You're the star of the show Skull, classic rebellious character a lot of folks look up to. For goodness sake you even have a whole getup with that outfit you wear!"

"Oh come on, you know I look like a total bad ass looking like this. Spiked collar, black leather jacket, boots and the fingerless gloves," I smirked.

"Don't forget the sword, that thing is crazy insane."

"Of course, my skeletal griffin," I lean up on the counter, feeling satisfied with everything going for me. I look like a badass, I got the fame in this town. No wait, I am the badass of this town. I got all the shit unlike all those other fools. I have the power now, no one else can beat me around here. I can make people crumble under my gaze. No one would dare stand up against me, the Skull. My gang members are nothing compared to me, they're just there for the show. They may be something called "friends" to me, but that's nothing if you have a whole town who knows your name.

Nothing. But I don't just own nothing anymore.

I got freedom.

I have what I want.

I have what I need.


"But why do I feel like I'm missing something?" I mutter to myself closing my eyes.

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